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-- 028
Up in the Hill

-- 029
What Future Might Hold

-- 030
It Wasn't Hard

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Up in the Hill

Days passed by after the incident. After the talk between Claude and Athanasia, it brought good news to the people around them.

"Your Majesty!!" Felix cried as soon as he got permission to come in the room. He rushed to give Claude a big hug which the latter awkwardly received, as much as he wanted to push Felix away, feeling his tears on his shoulders, he thought to give the crying man a chance as a pay for his hard work for managing everything while he was 'gone'. Take this as a small thanks, or what would Felix want to call it. Though Claude immediately pushed Felix away after seconds. It was still a good feeling to have his good friend a hug despite their differences in status. Claude decided not to tell Felix that, knowing that he'll cry more.

Behind Felix, there stood Lucas who was slowly walking inside. Athanasia noticed his presence and smiled, she thought that the magician must've felt out of place.

All things are good now. When Felix finally calmed down, Lucas got the chance to explain everything that happened before. He also talked about Anastacius' death, his soul disappeared when he was trying to force Claude to live, his mana couldn't take it, forcing his soul to fade away and with that he also wouldn't be allowed to reincarnate. Athanasia was having a hard time keeping Claude down for being disappointed that he couldn't get his brother a good punishment. It didn't help when Lucas also joined him. It was quite a bit chaotic after Claude's revival, but...

It was a sign that things would be better from now on.




"How long is this going to take?" Athanasia asked, following her father.

She was called by Claude after hours of studying—actually, it was half-arguing and half-studying since Lily insisted so much for her to take a rest since she just got better from all the stress, Athanasia can't help but to argue back. Everything ended well when she got called by her father to come and meet him at the palace gates. Athanasia didn't expect what would happen or what he would show to her when she was told to join him to go out somewhere. Claude said it was a surprise, and would never give her clues to where they would be going ending Athanasia up to give up and wait until their carriage arrived at the destination.

"Just a little bit more..." Claude replied to his daughter's question. He held out his hand for Athanasia to hold when they were now walking to a sloped road, the latter sighed and accepted the help. Claude let's out a silent chuckle, noticing how tired is Athanasia as they continued to walk. Ever since they have arrived, they have been walking up a hill for minutes. He gave Athanasia a gentle squeeze to comfort her. "I know you're tired but hold it just a bit, we're close." He looked back up to see the top of the hill, a warm smile appeared on his face.

Athanasia stared at Claude for a moment, she couldn't see the look on his face right now when he looked back up. She decided to cancel out the tiredness and just go with it. This is when she realized that she uses the wrong shoes to wear in this place, she took a mental note for that in case she would ever go back to this place.

Just like Claude said, Athanasia only needed a little bit of push just to arrive at the top of the hill. A cool breeze came to greet her as she stepped foot on the ticklish grass that touches her ankles. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the beautiful scenery appearing in front of her, the sight of Obelia glimmered under the sun that was setting, slowly ending the day with its bright blaze. The sight was so breathtaking that she could feel her heart pumping loudly in delight, bringing small tears into her eyes, that she knows how magical her home is, Obelia. The empire her father worked so hard to continue to build.

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