501 21 10


-- 013
The Story of the Cursed Man

-- 014
What is Family?

-- 015

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The Story of the Cursed Man

Athanasia was still bothered of her marriage that her father planned for her. She needs a plan to stop him from doing it without getting hurt. But it seems too impossible for her to just tell her father to stop the marriage. He must have done it to get rid of her for good. Just the thought of it made her heart ache. Pulling her to a pause, now with nothing in mind but to sit on a couch near the window, watching the birds sing happily from the outside. She felt envious at the sight.

"How about a walk outside?" She heard Lucas said. Right, he was still there, 20 steps behind her as he promised. What a funny guy, keeping stupid promises as if it was something important. It was a bit creepy when he read her mind of how she wanted to do something productive, but other than that, he's a fun guy to be with wherever you go. His presence always reminded her that she is not alone no matter the distance was between them. There was never a time that Lucas had left by her side.

That she couldn't even imagine having him gone from her side.

Her cheeks turned pink at the thought but she immediately erased it. Bad thought.

"The weather's nice... why not?" She replied. She stood up and tidied herself up and made her way out of the room with Lucas following her from behind.. Oh, how much she wanted for him to stop that façade and just walk beside her. He's not her attendant for goodness sake! And this is not a joke at all. To her, Lucas is—Lucas was—he's just her... What is Lucas to her? There were nothing bothering in her mind except the marriage that her father proposed but now, thinking of Lucas made her think what their relationship is. The suicidal and her therapist. Friends. Acquaintances. The magician and the princess. Really, what are they—what is Lucas to her?

"Heavy thoughts you got there?"

Athanasia jumped to see Lucas now walking beside her. Her heart almost leaped out from her chest of how Lucas was leaning in close to her face, checking her condition. With him so close made her not fine at all. Her thoughts were now in a jumbled state thanks to this stupid and annoying magician that always appears at the wrong timing. She better check her body to see what was wrong later. This is getting dangerous.

She looked down, her hair fell to hide her troubled expression. "... Nothing..." She muttered.

Taking a walk with Lucas is bad. She better take notes.


How could he stand beside Athanasia with no fear of receiving his big wrath?

Claude was watching from the window to see Athanasia and Lucas walking together in the garden. The garden he made specifically for his lovely daughter. But the sight of her enjoying herself in the garden with some male made his blood boil. Didn't he already reminded Lucas to take at least 10 steps away from her? He'd better remind Lucas later again. He'll have a serious talk with him to make sure that his daughter—

Claude paused. His heart sank at the thought. How could he say such things for the sake of his daughter after everything he had done. He doesn't have the rights to complain who will be better for Athanasia when he couldn't even be a better father to her. He has no place beside her at all.

" Hard to Love " - WMMAP fanfiction [ COMPLETED ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ