588 37 6


-- 010
Let Me Hope

-- 011
A Prayer

-- 012
Distance, For Now

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Let Me Hope
(t/w: suicidal thoughts & attempts, claustrophobia)

Athanasia almost forgot how frightening it was to see those disappointed eyes burning through her soul. Those looks never fail to give her nightmares every night when she tries to sleep. It always comes and haunts her whenever she sees it again.

"I have told you not to get near the palace gates..." Claude muttered with gritted teeth as he dragged Athanasia down the hall, holding her arm tight. "Are you trying to escape from me again?"

"No-! It's not what you think!" Athanasia grunted. It took everything from her not complaining about how painful her father's hold is while struggling to walk behind her gather.

Claude only scoffed at her cries, ignoring every explanation she tried to confess, it all just goes from one ear to another. Claude wouldn't listen.

He walked by every single maid and guard that they would encounter along the way and no one would try and stop them. Some others would try but are too afraid that they would meet the same fate as the princess but only death is on their way.

No one would survive the king's wrath.

Except for the princess.

And no one knows why.

Athanasia yelped when she hits the floor, her hair fell on her face. She looked up to see her father giving her one last glare when they met eyes before he shut the door, locking her up. Athanasia immediately panicked as she heard the locks clicking, eyes widened in fear, and her body starts to tremble.

She rushed to the door, knocking loudly for everyone outside to hear, hoping someone would help her or at least answer. The room was small and dark, there was nothing there but a small bed and the only source of light she could use was the moon illuminating from the window. Though the moon was bright, it still did not help the princess to calm down from her claustrophobia.

She was breathing heavily, cold sweat dripping from her forehead and to her dress. Her knees couldn't take the weight of her body causing her to drop on the floor again, hands still clutched on the door knob. Her voice was shaking from the fear as she tried to call for help though her voice was as loud as a mouse.

"I... Didn't do anything wrong..." Athanasia cried. "I didn't do anything wrong..." She repeated those words like a prayer. She couldn't keep her eyes close yet she couldn't open them, all she could do was cry and cry and cry just as she always did.

She could have died that time on her birthday. It was death or growing up getting locked in a small room as a punishment. She could have her peace right now, if only she wasn't saved by someone. Or her father could have killed her in the past.

Why did he always end up locking her up?

Why is the still alive?

Why, why, why?

Athanasia suddenly couldn't breathe. The room that could take a bed inside suddenly felt small, the walls were moving in her eyes, moving closer towards her. The light from outside was gone, leaving her blind in the dark. Athanasia couldn't do anything but try and squeeze herself close to the door, hoping that she could magically get past that solid object and be free.

" Hard to Love " - WMMAP fanfiction [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now