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-- 025
Am I Meant to be Forgiven

-- 026
Hello, Dad

-- 027
An Opening

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Am I Meant to be Forgiven

This wasn't the first time that the palace was silent. Though this was different. It was full of disappointments and sadness of mourning as the emperor of Obelia killed himself in front of his soldiers, especially his daughter. He was last seen alive being hugged by the princess who was crying for his sacrifice, he stayed there until his last breath, showing a smile on his face, with his last words were:

"It is not worth it to see you cry..."

To a daughter who everyone thought he despised. To the daughter he'd been hurt everyday. To the daughter he didn't even care to see her. To the daughter he didn't love. Though, did he really hate her? Their questions were only answered as Claude drew his last breath. Those cold eyes were capable of showing any emotion to his daughter, filled with tears of regret and pain, yet he is still smiling. What was unexpected was the princess was crying over him. Until the end, she still continues to love her father who neglected her for a long time.

To Athanasia, Claude was hard to love. Yet it was easy to show it to him.

The news still hasn't spread to the public to Felix's relief, he doesn't think what would everyone react to know that their emperor has died. Especially when the princess is not in a good condition right after seeing her father's death in her own eyes. Though the main problem was if the princess is also out, who would manage the empire for a while?

Felix sighed, slowly dropping his head low as he stood in front of Claude's death bed. His good friend was lying in front of him, lifeless. As he stared at Claude, he felt tears coming up again to stain his cheeks. His shoulders shook as he wiped the tears away. "What am I going to do, Your Majesty?" He whispered, his voice was shaking. "If only I was fast enough..."

Felix stood there for a while, the room was silent. He decided to feel the sad silence around him until he heard a door opening then closed behind him. Felix didn't dare to turn his head around.

"What the hell is this?" He heard a voice of disbelief. That's when Felix decided to turn to see a man wearing a hood, though he could see long black hair peeking out from the hood. He frowned, cautiously staring at the man. He was ready to fight, about to take his sword until the man took his hood off. Red eyes first caught his sight. He immediately knew who it was.

The magician of the Black Tower, Lucas.

As far as he could remember, Lucas was gone to look for the cure for Claude. He was told by the latter about it. Just the thought of it broke his heart, if only Lucas arrived early to save Claude, he wouldn't be lying here, ready to be put in a casket. Leaving everyone in the world, especially his dear daughter. There are too many regrets to convey that it hurts. Felix could only shut his eyes, lowering his head as he relaxed his body knowing that the man meant no harm.


"Why does it look like he died...?" Lucas broke the silence. Felix lifted his head up, eyes wide. "What do you mean?" He asked. "The emperor died yesterday..." He explained to Lucas who was still confused. His eyes followed the magician who approached Claude's body, as soon as he got close, he leaned his face close with a hum. The magician frowned at the sight of Claude, this time Felix was the one confused.

Lucas rolled his eyes. He lifted his hand and reached for Claude's chest where he felt a hole, he frowned at the sensation from his skin. He closed his eyes, chanting a spell. Felix let out a small gasp when he saw a flash of light on Claude's chest. He rushed to Lucas' side and watched everything unfold in front of him, and the hole on the emperor's chest was gone as if it was never there. Somehow, it brought relief to Felix to see his emperor looking complete in his eyes, he let out a sigh, slouching his shoulder down.

" Hard to Love " - WMMAP fanfiction [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now