"How could he?" Beca thought.

She knew it would hurt Chloe more than ever to see that. She also knew it would hurt if Beca was the one to tell her because it only proved that she was right. Beca decided her best option was to pass the news to Aubrey so that she could inform Chloe.

Beca: Go look at Tom's Insta. Chloe's pissed at me rn so can you please be the one to tell her? Thanks Bree

Aubrey: What an ass. I'll tell her.

Beca knew that digging her hole of hatred for Tom even deeper wouldn't help anything, so she ended the social media stalking for the night. She decided to take a shower to take her mind off of Chloe. She hated when they fought, and she just wanted this little scuff to be over.

Beca grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom connected to her bedroom. Normally she'd be blasting music from her speaker in the shower, but tonight she was a little too in her head for that. She began her silent shower, letting her thoughts about Chloe and their fight consume her. Once she had turned the water off and wrapped herself in a towel, she heard something from the other side of the door. It was muffled, but she could make out very faint sobs.

"Chlo? Are you in here?" Beca asked, cracking the door a bit.

"Yeah." Chloe said with a sniffle.

Beca opened the door fully to see a red-faced crying Chloe sitting on her bed.

"Aubrey told you?" Beca asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"I, uh, I saw his post. I didn't want to be the one to tell you because of what happened earlier." Beca explained.


Chloe hung her head and tried her best to stop the flow of tears streaming down her cheeks. She hated when Beca saw her like this, even though it was pretty often.

"Chloe, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. You should be able to be with whoever you want, but I still really hope you won't go back to him after tonight. You deserve a lot better than that, but I promise that's all I'll say." Beca said, taking a seat next to Chloe. She adjusted her towel so that it stayed up without her holding it, and then wrapped her arm around Chloe.

"You were right, and I'm not going back to him ever. Promise." Chloe said, sinking into Beca's shoulder.

After dealing with Chloe's many heartbreaks in the past, Beca knew how to handle these situations. Chloe never liked to be alone, but she liked to be in silence. The best remedy for her was to be held and cuddled while both of them stayed quiet. Beca didn't even bother changing out of her towel before comforting Chloe. She let her lay on her side with her head in Beca's lap while Beca ran her hands through Chloe's red hair. Eventually, Chloe broke the silence.

"How did you see Tom's post? I thought you refused to follow him." Chloe said.

"Oh, it uh... popped up on my feed." Beca lied.

"Don't lie, Beca."

"Fine. I was looking at his Instagram." She confessed.

"Why?" Chloe had sat up now, intrigued by Beca's sudden interest in Tom.

"I wanted to see what he was like. You said I never got to know him, so I was trying to." Beca said. She assumed that would be a plausible reason.

It wasn't.

"Jealous much?" Chloe teased.

"Me? Jealous?" Beca scoffed. Her heart was racing a mile a minute at this accusation.

"Well I was joking, but maybe not after that reaction! Is Beca Mitchell jealous of a frat boy?"

"I'm not jealous!" Beca snapped.

"Ok. Then maybe I'll just go fuck Tom one last time to get it out of my system. You wouldn't mind, right?" Chloe said.

"Yes I really would mind, Chlo!" Beca blurted. She knew Chloe had her trapped now.

"Why? Because you want me to fuck you instead?" Chloe said, staring the brunette down.

"How'd you know?" Beca said.

"I didn't, but now I do."

Chloe climbed on top of Beca, straddling her bare legs. Beca gripped Chloe by the waist, and Chloe draped her arms on Beca's shoulders. Their foreheads were leant against one another, keeping their lips apart. They stared into each others blue eyes, neither wanting to break the tension. Finally, Chloe tilted Beca's chin upward and pulled her gently into a kiss. It was soft and slow, and it felt so right.

Maybe Beca didn't hate Tom too much if he made this happen...

Bechloe/Sendrick One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن