t h i r t y f i v e

Comenzar desde el principio

Always a glittering occasion, the FIA's annual Prize-Giving gala sees champions from every major branch of international motorsport gather together to receive their official FIA awards during a unique star-studded evening.

"I hate the cameras being everywhere I feel so restricted, you know?" Rosa whispered to me as they announced another award, "Totally, drinking away May just help that situation."

"I'm seventeen Ev." She reminded me as she sat back and sighed, bless her couldn't even drink. "I was drinking at fourteen, I don't see what the issue is."

Rosa laughed "Babe you are the issue."

As the actual prize giving concluded and cameras stopped rolling each table was given their meals, our Mercedes table only being made up of ten seats in total, "Well cheers to a good twenty twenty four." Lewis remarked holding his drink up.

"Damn right." I told him smiling in response as we clinked our drinks together, I heard Christian laughing at the pity party in the background but took no notice.

As we began chatting amongst ourselves about the most random of things I spotted Matthew across the room, getting up instantly to greet him "Matthew! What are you doing down here?"

"Ouch. Im a team personal trainer aren't I?" He asked chuckling a little, it was weird to see him dressed in unsporting attire.

I nodded "I mean yeah don't I know it, my body hurts cause of you pretty much daily. I just didn't know that teams had their personal trainers on their tables and stuff."

"Mercedes is too fancy to invite the whole team here, Ferrari invites and welcomes anyone at their table so I'm here." He explained.

"Fair enough, I had to ask if Christmas dinner is allowed on the meal plan?" I chuckled asking him quietly.

He rolled his eyes "You think so little of me, yes by all means eat Christmas dinner, but I wouldn't eat the lasagne here it looks dodgy"

I laughed "I'm kidding, have a nice night Matt."

"Don't call me Matt." He stated as he walked away back towards the Ferrari table, it made ours look pathetic. We only had immediate family and the drivers, with their plus ones at our table.

Ferraris table sat around three hundred people.

I walked back towards the Mercedes table, "Who was that Evy?" My brother jacks asked as I sat down, pushing my lasagne plate forward scared now to eat it.

"Ferrari PT." I shrugged.

"So the rumours are true? You and Charles?" George asked intrigued as he leaned forward to hear all the gossip, "Oh dad didn't mention why he was so angry at work?" I asked laughing .

"Speak of the devil." Lewis commented as Charles walked over to the table behind me, placing his hands on my bare shoulders to frighten me.

"Come to steal my daughter?" My dad asked him trying to be threatening but failing miserably, my dad had a soft spot for Charles.

"Thought you deserve a break, I can take her off of your hands this evening." Charles joked as I got up from the table, bored of the evening already.

"Please do." Rosa begged, forcing laughter out of everyone sat at the table, I stuck my middle finger up at her and laughed. "I want to come!" Jack asked as he got out of his seat too.

"I mean we aren't really going anywhere." I told him as he begged me to pick him up, finding it impractical in my dress Charles grabbed him for me. "You can come Jack, come on." He told him, we were just wandering around aimlessly in the venue.

"Is your mum here I haven't seen her?" I asked Charles who was slightly preoccupied by my brother, "Yeah she's at the table sat by Isa." He told me as we walked to the Ferrari table.

"Charles! There you are oh and Evelyn!" Fred welcomed me over, the whole team there knowing well I was the new seasons driver other than Isa, Carlos and Charles' family.

"Hi Fred, this is my little brother Jack. Say hi Jack." I asked him to say hello, but he resorted to a little wave instead still earning some 'aws' off of Isa and Carlos.

"Surprised you could rip him away from Carmen." Isa smiled as she waved back towards Jack.

"Hi Pascale how are you?" I asked her as I walked around the table to hug her, her tapping my arm as endearingly as possible.

"Evelyn." She stated.

"I wanted to ask if you'd come to the Wolff family Christmas parties this year, your boys are all going and I think it will be nice to introduce you to my parents." I smiled at her kindly as we spoke, Charles was mingling with some of the crew now piggybacking  jack.

"And you're going to be there?" She raised a brow.


"Yeah of course." I nodded.

"So you have moved back into your old house now or have you found an apartment or something?" She wondered.

I laughed a little "No I'm still living with Charles, Christmas is just always done at my dads though."

"So he's still paying for you to be with him then? Wonderful. I will not be attending the parties." She replied sitting down tired of the conversation.

"I have offered to pay him-

"Evelyn I don't want to hear you breathing near me, go away." She simply spoke, inside I was grateful Charles didn't see her speaking to me like this but I always just wished she'd change her mind about me.

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