Chapter Three: Lost Souls Returned

Start from the beginning

Impulse's Secret
No one noticed you back home and at school so you decided to murder your parents to give you the attention you never had from society.

"Uhm... this isn't my secret" Martin said, "yeah same!" Pearl called out and everyone else nodded, "oh silly me! I must've mixed up the motives! How careless of my phuhuhuhu!" And before anyone could blink monocuma left.

"Ok whoever has my motive give it back!" Joel shouted, "I don't think anyone would do that Joel" Cleo pointed out, "oh you-COME HERE!!!" Joel lunged himself towards Cleo and Martin immediately ran to stop his assault. Joel didn't seem to take notice as he threw Martin to the side a loud thud reverberating as Martin's head hit the floor.

"MARTIN!!!!!!!" Someone, maybe Impulse shrieked and Martin could feel his head was lying in something wet. Suddenly Scott was there picking him up and sprinting out the gym. Martin heard Ren shout. "Thee ultimate undead come with thy king!" And wondered what was happening.

His head hurt like hell he knew that, but why was everyone going into panic mode over it? Scott entered the medical bay and placed Martin on one of the beds before going out of sight. More footsteps entered and suddenly Ren and Cleo were there.

"Me hand" Ren said in a worried tone, "Martin" Cleo's wince in her voice was almost as painful as his head. "Out of my way" Scott's voice was louder then it usually was and held more authority then before. Ren and Cleo backed up as Scott presumably wrapped bandages around Martin's head.

"Are you still with us bud?" Scott asked, "y-yeah" Martin muttered, "just... hurts a lot y-you know?" "Yeah, cracking your head open isn't a very pleasant experience" Cleo commented, "trust me it is not a great experience." More footsteps arrived, "I got a hot glue gun" Etho said, "and how is that supposed to do shit?" Cleo questioned

"I know a thing or two about these types of things, just let me do my thing and Martin will be fine." The three left the room leaving Etho with Martin. Etho positioned him so that Martin's face was smushed in between a very bloody pillow where he kinda blacked out.

When he awoke he was in a different bed with Etho standing over him, "how do you feel?" Etho asked, "well... my head still kind of hurts, but besides that I'm fine." "Makes sense, can you stand?" Martin tried and found out while it made his head absolutely hurt like hell when he moved too much, he could walk as long as he took it slow.

Next to come in the room was Pearl who looked a bit beaten up. "Are you ok?" Martin asked, "never been better!" Pearl said, "that's because you tackled Joel to the floor where you continued to have a wrestling match with him on the floor." Etho pointed out, "you really did that?" Martin asked, "yeah! I even won" "that she did" Etho nodded, "you need help moving around? I can carry you! I'm very strong" "thank you but I can walk just fine, I just need to take it slow."

Pearl nodded, "I gotcha I gotcha" Etho then left the room and Pearl sat down on one of the beds gesturing for Martin to follow. "So, who's secret did you get?" Pearl asked, "I got Impulse's, who's did you get, Etho, and my golly is there tea with his secret!" "I don't think it would be the best idea to spill this tea if you know what I'm saying." Martin pointed out and Pearl nodded, "I wasn't going to" "where's Joel now?" "Me and Cleo tied him up and threw him in a closet" "really!?"

"Yep! He deserved it after hurting you" Martin chuckled wincing a bit when pain shot through him, "I guess that makes sense" Martin and Pearl chatted about random things until Martin felt like he could walk at a normal pace. After saying goodbye to Pearl, Martin realized how late it had gotten, so after finding Pesky Bird, Martin went back to his room to get some shut eye.

The next morning Martin heard a knock on his door. When he opened it he found Scott, "do you need something?" Martin asked, "you were late to breakfast" Scott said, "oh, sorry" "it's alright, we sent Etho and Cleo down to go get Joel so I don't mind getting you." Martin nodded, "right, let's not keep the others waiting then."

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