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They gathered all the life essence around them especially the one from evry fallen wizard and added it together without a care in the world what would or could happen. Sal lit up like a Christmas tree because he always wanted to do this and see what happens, Drik was happy because Sal was happy and even Hel was kinda happy because Row had finally fulfilled her destiny.

Only a few seconds later they heard a crack and then it was over time stood still for a moment and then the energy wrapped itself and began to suck in all energy around growing infinitly and finally swallowing earth.

'Wake up! Your heros now !' Sal didn't understand he know this voice ' Orbs?' his voice was dry, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a big library going on infinitly. He himself lay on a fluffy couch and as he looked around further he saw that all of his group were there. ' What, Where, How?'

' I must thank you it seems  for destroying this version of earth it was close to its own downfall, but that would have coused a backlash and this place would have been destroyed. For your other question this is the Universal Library evry shelf you see is for a planet feel free to look around and find out yourself. I will call you all if there's something to do' with that orbs disappeared  leaving a confused Salazar behind.

' Sal you're alright' Drik called laughing
Yayyyyy finally it's done  this is the last chapter that will ever come out if the passage about Lilly's funeral is finished I will include it in the story. But now thank you all, thanks for evryone reading, voting ,commenting or just enjoying the story it means a lot to me. I'm relatively motivated to start another ff and seeing my first  being liked is helping Soo much.

But now to a problem I have to many ideas.
While writing this story I got sooo many ideas for other ff and I would love to write them.
They are all pretty different from each other but also this one in general but it's only the wizarding world for now. I currently have a fovorite I would love to start, it's kind of an Opharry ff but I would say look for yourself the first chapter will maybe be out in the next few days or more but I will have to make a warning now there will be eating of insects death blood and so on mybe even canibalism or slight I haven't decided yet.

The story will be called Boy-who-murdered maybe I'll see you there but for the Maybe see ya in the future for another ff I'll maybe write.

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