5. Break-in

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When both had activated the paper and the results appeared, Sal bagan laughing
' Oh my, the headmaster really is bad with rituals or atleast dark ones.'
' Sal, not everyone is as talented as you'
' Oh thank you'
' Hush, you still lost sanity, rember?'
' Hush yourself Drik and of course I do'
' Alright Sal, but how do we get in?'
' Oh easy secret tunnels?'
' Good let's go'
With that both tock their trunks , shrinked them and pocket them. Then they walked backwards to the door and then ran straight forward, while they ran Sal took Dricks Hand and then drew a little rune on it. He did the same with his own before and as soon as they jumped out of the crashing window they felt the air moving around the driving train. And then they flew faster and faster, higher and higher
' Sal your amazing you know, I still don't believe it, how are you so good with runes?'
' Oh Drik , I'm a natural you know '
' Oh my, I don't think arrogance is a talent '
' You know I could just vanish the rune?'
' I know but you never would'
' Why do you know me so good again?'
No answer, none normaly Drik would have said something like 'I don't know it's what lovers do?' or 'Your own fault for letting me get your heart' Sal knew too that Drik wanted to say it, but none of both would break the distance they build. There was just this awkwardness. Yes they knew each other in and out but still both changed a bit and all the happenings from the past, that isn't just forgotten. They wanted each other, longed for each other, but still none of them broke that invisible wall.
' Sal! We will colide with a tree! Stop! Now!'
There were only millimeters bettwen the tree and their noses when Sal stopped.Then as they both crashed on the floor or what the had thought would be floor, they realized they were over the lake. The wards were no problem they were registered as the founders yes, but also as students they still came over the lake when the school year started. While Sal and Drik both gapped for air, they decided to take the underwater route.

A rather dumb decision, they realized while not finding the entrance and trying not to get spotted by all the creatures.
'Wal, wets wo op wagan!'
' Waw!' Sal really tried to understand what Drik meant but Underwater Communication isn't easy. Next Drik tried pointing at the surface and  waving his hands in a really not understandable pattern. Atleast Sal thougt it was funny and  started laughing, that ended in Drik trying to hit Sal, but you wouldn't believe it but Godrik actually missed. And hit the rock behind Sal, then there was a shacke, then another and finally a hole appeared. Both quickly swam in and directly fell again.
' By a burned wand, who of us made this?'
Sal shrieked as they hit hard ground.
' Sal? I think it was you'
' I would never do such an completely idiotic thing like this entrance'
' Yeah of course, you sure you remember good enough? All your secret buildings are like that'
' Oh wait! There not. Lights and Stairs!'
Then suddenly a light flash and the sound of stone being moved.
' We don't talk about it Drik alright?'
' What do we not talk about?'
' Oh shut up, Drik and help me up'
' Oh the big Salazar can't stand up alone?'
' Shut up!'
' Oh my Sal, did I hurt your feelings?'
Then both laughed again and after that conversation in the air it was bitterly needed. Still the souer feeling didn't fade, because none of them stepped over the line. In their last life time, Hel and Row helped indirectly with placing magic mistletoes all over the castle. Then when Sal and Drik were finally caught under one you could hear the happy yells all over the castle. What then happened  is easy to guess if take into account they married some time later.

As they both wandered down the corridor they
suddenly heard something big move around and also the movement of something little in water. Both knew what it was or better who.
'Sila?' Sal asked into the dark
' Master Salazar, is that you?'
' Yes me and Godrik'
'Oh hello master Godrik'
' Hello? Oh right the bond' Drik said shacking his head, with a somewhat painful smile
' Silly Drik always messing up'
' Hey master Sal'
' Sora? Is that really you?' Now Sal was really surprised it isn't all day your lost snake appears again. Back then he really was angry with himself for just forgetting her there.
' Yes master, the little Snake that  was forgotten!  And then remembered your words about comming here. Now I'm here'
' Master please  don't take  her  away! She's great company.' Sila suddenly threw in
' I believe so, you both have too much temper'
'What are you implying? Unbelievable!' Now both Snakes tried a huff but  as a snake that's nothing easy to do, it was more cute then anything else they could do
'Stop all three of you!  We need  to hurry or it all won't work'
' Right sorry. Bye you two we'll visit again'
' Our master sure is unbelievable, just leaving us here again'

After leaving those two behind they started to hurry and now they even started yousing their connection and combine their thinking.
Now Dral    
(if you have better combined names please comment them, this one's dumb)
decided to go  for the potion first and as soon as they reached the lab through the tunnels they started making it, it's a rather lucky surcumstance the potion is so easy if you could even call it that. Then they carefully bottled it, because even the smell is enough to delete memories completely forever. Now they had planned to do exactly that to the headmaster, but only to  the point where he doesn't remember their connection, if he would figure it out again they would need to get him out of the castle, but nevermind now was now and not then. Now was the time for the real missions to begin, they were two sharing the same mind at the moment, nothing could really stop them, because their connection was so finished there wasn't even one little loophole,that came from all the training to do exactly this. When they finally decided who is doing what Drik began heading for the headmaster it needed to be timed perfectly, it needed to happen the second Sal disabled the runes blocking their connection. Both knew it was rather easy to do this the runes weren't strong to say the least only the place they were made them so strong. So Sal quickly started taking many tunnels and passegeways  all heading to the magical control point of the castle  stationed in a certain room of requirements.

When Sal finally reached the room he knew through the connection that Drik stood ready Infront of a sleeping headmaster. So Sal decided he could start he pushed the appeared door open and found himself in a room full of floating runes. Fastly Sal spotted the filthy runes and then began to overwrite them, because if you can make the connection to Hogwarts stronger you'll do it, maybe it'll even help with memory's.Drik directly felt that Sal was finished and fastly  opened the bottle  luckily the potion only works when you sleep. Then both fastly ran to the entrance portal,on the way the bracelets appeared again and both felt the connection again it really was a feeling you could miss fastly. The connection still wasn't as strong as in it's prime but Row and Hel would be needed to fix that.

The next morning Albus woke up and  walked to his Denkarium, yes he had some memory problems, but most wizards get them when there older and it was nothing that couldn't be fixed. Then as soon as Albus tried to define what memories he needed to watch he noticed that  he couldn't remember anything from the school year till now, over everything was the smell of fresh fallen rain. When Albus then tried to regain memory he noticed the memorys were the same as in his head all black only the smell of fresh rain left. Of course that should be impossible and at first Albus thougt it all was a prank. Then after a week he bagan to worry he knew there were important things happening in the castle but what? And all those creatures what are they doing? At the end of the week Albus Dumbledore was in St. Mungo's  because of heavy memory loss. No healer had an answer what had happened, atleast they knew an outsider had to do with it how exactly this happens was a medicinig mirecal. Because of those happening Professor McGonnegall  was declared headmistress in the middle of Yule Holidays.

Alright that's it with the chapter the next one will be some kind of weird Easter special with Christmas theme. Alright I decided that just now I hope I'll get that one ready sooner.
Sorry for a rather short chapter but I couldn't stop thinking about the next one  so this needed an ending
Hope you liked it

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