14. Tom Riddle

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After a really succesfull meeting evryone left, exept the founders.
' Hey guys' Sal said while everyone wanted to leave ' where did you find this Book?'
Sal could tell from the reactions something was wrong, Drik never looked like that exept
' Wait you didn't go to Malfoy manor with Drik right? You wouldn't be this dumb.' Sal yelled, but the guilty expression Hel wore spoke bands. ' Are you all crazy?' Sal screamed slowly getting really angry. How could they bring his Drik to such a traumatic place without thinking about the aftereffects?

' Stop it Sal!' Drik suddenly yelled ' I don't need protection from everything! It was my idea to go there and look what we got there' He picked up the diary and was near throwing it into Sal's face. It was sweet that he cared so much, but sometimes it was too much. He wasn't four he cauld deal with that. Suddenly something in Drik snapped and he just said ' I'll be gone for a few days don't search me' with that he took his sword and just left, not realizing he still had the diary and the stone.

To be real Drik didn't know when he was this angry the last time. It probably was in one of the many battles and Drik knew what would help his anger now, but should he do it should he really do that? Then the last  sane part went offline and Drik teleported away into some muggle street. Atleast that's what it looked like.
He spun around still boiling with all the anger he had collected in the last months. He couldn't really tell who or what it was that he saw going into this little dark side street, but he still followed the person.

Angelina was on her way home, it had been a really hard day. Her boss suddenly wanted the hole project changed and all that till midnight today!  She huffed, while deciding to take the shortcut throught the dark alleys. It was only moments later that she noticed the man following her in an always rising speed. She could feel her heat beating faster and faster.
After some seconds she turned around. The man had nearly white hair with some red strains. He had a really good build, even she had to admit that. His grey eyes had a strange red shene, but the most worrying was the sword in his hands. He walked there ready to attack,like a predictor on a hunt. She gulped and then decided to run. She started running and had good chances of escaping,  she often walked these alleys. That's when she tripped over one of her high heals. Those shitty things why are they so unpractical?  Her thaugts suddenly got back to the situation when she heard the clicking of the mans shoes.
That's when Angelina realised she would die here  on this exact spot. She tried robbing forward to get away and then fastly jumped up while slipping out of her shoes. Then she started running again, tears slowly running down her cheeks blurring her vision. She ran and ran for what felt like years, but then she felt the burning sensation next to her right shoulder and when she looked down she saw the sword right trought her chest. Hard hands gripped her neck and the last thing Angelina saw was the dark alley shifting to show a truly evil grin.

Drik let out a relived hum  that had been real fun, atleast for him.  He finally felt his anger settle and that's when he realized what exactly he had done. ' Shit!' he screamed remembering the promise he had given himself  for this life.
He cursed again before teleporting away.

It had been a really boring day for Tonks, but what did she expect? She had only recently completed the Auror school , of course she would get lame things like patrolling near the ministry. That's when she noticed that strange man that just apperated into the middle of the road. She also noticed the sword, something that really worried her. It was only Seconds after, that she realized the man was now following a woman and this grin. A shiver went down Tonks spine, but she still decided to follow the man while she did that Tonks tried to identify him. When she noticed the ring he wore she was parelized, this was Lord Gryffindor!
It was widely known in public that somehow there were still heirs of the founders, but this man didn't just look like an heir. He looked like the Reincarnation of Godrik Gryffindor!
Tonks realized that she had stopped following and began to run trying to catch up.
She rounded a corner only to see the  Lord braking the woman's neck. This needed to be reported! She wanted to apperate to the ministry immediately but then something in her magic made her go to Hogwarts, at least as near as the wards let her. Tonks just shrugged her shoulders and decided to tell Dumbledore instead.

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