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As Salazar opened his eyes he knew he was dead he didn't know how, but he knew that he was undeniably dead.
,Oh, your awake?' He turned around but there was only a little light ball floating through the air. As soon as he spotted it, it began to speak. The voice seemed to come from everywhere at the same time, but Salazar still knew it was the little orb that spoke to him.
,I'm here to teach you some really important things you never understood in your lifetime and would never otherwise  and if you finally and truly understand I can give you a second chance, but there's still the chance I fail. I hope you accept my offer to learn.'

,, Alright,I accept your offer.'' with those words his story of Understanding began and only ended decades later.
,Is it really time? Have I already learned it all?'
,,Yes... ,Yes you did''the light orb said, ' You'll be reborn with all your memories and there will also will be many surprises I think. Anything you want to know about your new life?'
,Is Hogwarts still there?' the Question just plopped out of his mouth and he was surprised himself, in all those years he spent here he always had control over himself and his emotion, but now it was  gone overrun with pure curiousety. A laugh,  a really heartfull laugh and a simple ,Yes' from the orb later he began to laugh too, it was something he had never done in all the time he was here and in Salazar's complete lifetime he didn't laugh like that often, it was so heartfull ,so filled with joy and happiness that you would never think about hearing it from him,  ,,The Muggleborn Hater'' or  ,, The Betrayer'' or even better  ,,The most Heartless Dark Wizard  ever exististing'' , all those tittles and what came with them had taken his happiness his care and everything else that wasn't a simple defense mechanism away and now after all these decades he laughed , how  good  it felt to be there complete without any need for masks  was undescribable , We can start  are you ready  Salazar?' now it was him that said just a simple , Yes'    
,, Remember one thing  the future of the world is in your hands you either replay history or change it. I'll watch you and you know how to call me.  But show that you learned something okay?' Those words were the last he heard as everything got black again like the first time he got there...


Oh gosh I hope it isn't to bad, if you have any complains please say so ... Hope you enjoyed the Prologue  see you in the next I hope, the other chapters also will be longer

Edited:24.5.24 made some stuff easier to decipher and made clearer who is talking if anything is unclear pls make me aware of it and I'll see if I can fix the issue. Oh and just a simple warning pls check the tags of this story of you didn't already as I have gotten hate from people who didn't read them

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