6. Founder's Yule

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When Sal and Drik literally flew into kings cross station, a rather distressed Sirius awaited them
' You both why weren't you on the train, or better why had your compartment a shattered window?And how are you even flying?'
' Siri listen alright?'
But no more words were said as they got pulled into a crashing hug.
' I bet you both played a rather good prank on me making concurrence for the marauders?
Oh but of course you are! Padfoods son must be good at pranking' Then Sirius began talking about pranks again.
' Drik please be careful the hole holiday Siri will start a prank war again.'
' Sal is it worse then Hel and Row with boredom? And all stuff we did?'
' Nah it's not, but still they have talent'
' If you say so I think I'll prepare some stuff'
' Ey Siri, I think we should go Rem is waiting at the leaky Cauldron or not?'
Then after a rather long thinking moment from Sirius he nodded took their hands and apperated. As soon as they plopped up at the leaky cauldron they saw Rem waiting while trying not to be recognized, since he puplished the bonding text he was somewhat famous.
As soon as he saw the little group appearing he ran over and began to mumble some stuff like:
never let Siri go alone, no important tasks for him. It was clear he regretted not comming with Siri but there was an important meeting so it didn't work otherwise
' Hello Harry, Hello Draco I'm sorry I knew I shouldn't send Siri to get you, but nevermind let's go shopping for Yule.'
' Hello Uncle Rem and yes let's go shopping I'm getting everything for the ritual alright?'
' Good I take you two don't need supervision like a sertain someone' with that Rem turned around and began pulling a jumping Sirius away from the direction of the broom shop.

' Alright Drik, I take you want to collect your wand first?'
' Of course this one I have here is trash my back then father said to get it in Knockturn like what do you expect from a wand not made with Orakels magic?'
With that they began walking for Gringots but on the way they felt it. The bond,Row and Hel were here until now there wasn't any sign from them, but now they were here. Sal and Drik fastly looked around and then eyes met eyes and they saw them standing there both holding some bags. Before they could do anything a little group took the sight away and when they were gone Row and Hel were gone too. Atleast they knew who to look after now and they knew next school year would get interesting.
' Sal hello? Earth to Sal'
' Oh sorry, I think we should go'
' Common you saw they were alright I think we'll see them again soon enaugh'
' That's not what I mean it was easy to befriend you but how.....'
' Sal! Stop immediately you know it's not good and if I saw it correctly Row is an Orakel again she'll know what to do'
' Your right'

They then continued walking to the bank and when they finally arrived Gralock already stood in the entrance
' Salazar I already thought you would come today and you are?'
' My pleasure Gralock, Godrik Gryffindor'
' Oh my, I guess your both here to claim some stuff? Of course why am I even asking please follow me '
' Gralock we already have an identity paper, here please confirm it' Sal handed the parchment over to the Goblin and waited till he nodded. Then they were shown to just follow him to the vault. Once arrived Dick got his Lord ring back it was a rather simple gold ring with the Gryffindor crest in the middle and the crest was umlined with little lion paws.
' Welcome to the hide your ring or there will be trouble club Drik, our club actives are rather simple just hide the ring all day and it of course absolutely isn't drawning your magic core'
' Wow Sal what an absolutely wonderful name and you overreact in the lessons we always youse wands our core can't be empty cause of that little bit.'
With that Drik just turned and walked into the vault, only a few minutes later he came out with wand in hand and a belt with daggers thrown over his shoulder
' Drik! You will leave the daggers here you can't take them with you for "exercise needs" I forbid it last time I let you have them you nearly killed our students while throwing them around everywhere not even I was safe so put them back emedietly!'
' But...
' No but back now'
Then Drik finally walked back in only to come back with a sword. Then that game continued till Sal finally gave in. When they left the bank Drik hapilly smiled at the dagger in his hands.
' I still don't understand why you need do many weapons'
' Oh Sal you know exactly why, I just love them they are sharp and dangerous and really practical if you need to get away from a mad lover of yours.' Then silence only for a little moment, but then Sal started giggling
' Oh my Drik there's something you want to tell me?' When Drik is stepping on the invisible line why not go all in so, just shit on it do it.
When Sal wanted to grab Driks hand to pull him closer someone just bumped into them and the beautiful moment was over now both just stood there trying not to look at each other while making a tomato concurrence. That wonderful moment where the existence of this line or wall was forgotten was overrun by new thoughts and that made the wall between them even thicker now you could compare them to planets, they hold each other in place while stretching out for each other then at some point they come closer then crash and drift away again leaving damage behind, that was the exact same thing that always happened. There was a small possibility that it worked out but without help they would crash forever.

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