13.Power Base

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It had been some days since the founders had performed the rituals and now they had finally decided to hold a meeting. Until now they had decided who they could youse to have a rather solid power base. After some deciding they had decided to add Sev and Arthur to the adult circle, because of that Hel had told her father at some point with Row and Sal went together with Drik to retell Sev.

The meeting was appointet for today and the founders were eager to tell their plans.
So when evryone finally arrived at Grimmouldplace ( their new headquarter), the meeting started immediately.

' Hello to our friends and family, we are happy to greet you here for our first introduction meeting.' Sal began the preprepared speech, then Drik continued 'We will first discuss this group, then we will continue with goals and last we will discuss your roles in the big plan'
' Not to forget we will also discuss the risks of beeing here' Row finished only to give Hel the word ' It will be a long meeting so make yourself comfortable we prepared snacks.'
At that everyone looked a bit relieved, atleast it would be comfortable, maybe it could be called standart from now on.

' Alright let's start now ' Drik started ' At first you all need to know that we all are friends, so no arguing or pranking' while this hole speech he had looked around the room fixating some people with a slight warning look 'we will also apoint all those that aren't already Hogwarts heirs, it will give you some privileges, our study group can show you later if you want. This heir ring is the only symbol we need and there also isn't a chance to join later, it's just to complicated, so when we fail and you didn't reveal your position it won't be a problem.'

' Alright Drik I think that's enaugh I'll go on with  risks of beeing here' and supporting this group.
At first the risk we fail our missions and we will be puplicly know, we would get shit down like the death eaters and if you were to obvious your lives could be ruined. But even then you all are still Hogwarts heirs so money or a home aren't a problem, we own Hogwarts' while Sal said that he could feel the glare from the girls and fastly continued ' But we could get killed, so better don't believe we won't have loses. But I need to add death isn't thaaat bad.' Sal rolled his eyes while some bagan snickering ' Oh and maybe we will create a big war and big means big, atleast Row said so, so I believe we will fight a really big war, be prepared '

' Good after we more or less informed you with fear evryone that wishes to leave should now.'
Hel said and when no one stood up she nodded satisfied ' good now to our goals. For some it's already a fact we want to save a splitten soul that was mislead by Dumbsi, his name is Tom Riddle aka Voldemort. NO need to panick!' Hel said after seeing some of the fearfully faces
' You all here won't have to deal with him if you don't want to. Oh and we also want all magical creatures freed, the magical education back to our standart, the pureblood propaganda gone and we also want the wizarding world on one educational level with the muggles'

' Yes the best goal always comes last, good job Hel' Row bagan her part ' Now to your roles in the big plan, for our study group you'll keep studying, of course. So next we have, oh yes evryone with a lord position will be active in the wizardgamot with us. Severus you will secure our safety in Hogwarts, wait no I mean you tell us everything the old ,,thing,, is planning.' while she said thing her face became  really disgusted ' Remus with you fame from the ritual, thank Sal later, you'll help with the press and will influence them to our liking.
James your still well known and you have many contacts even after all those years, youse them all! To the best possible point, we need some laws punched trough. Lilly you'll be in charge of our armor and weapons I believe you will be good with that. Sirius you'll be in charge of the headquarter and will support evryone that need help or a second opinion. And last Arthur I know many ministry employees think lowly of you and your work that's why they aren't carefull with you around, find out what's happening in the ministry without raising anyone's suspicion. If anyone asks why you are in an unusual place say you seeking dropped Knuts or something like that, that will just laugh and forget your presence. That's all for now, exept us four we of course will rejoin in our rightfull places first in the gamot as a warning then later in Hogwarts, but only if there's a war if not the ministry will be enough. I really hope all of you understand the importance of your position and will do the best possible.'when Row finished Sal took the word again ' Yes that are our plans for the future for now we will search certain objects called horcruxes, but it won't take long we already got some.'

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