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After  Sal revealed his big future plan there was silence and even more silence

' No need to look so shocked ' Hel snickered trying to hide her smile ' Sal here won't let the plan go he has it since his second Samhain.
Oh and Sal when we bring him back we'll need a powerbase'

' Oh my Hel your right! There will be a political war in the future! Maybe it'll even swap over to the everyday life'Row said pailing a bit all of the founders knew there was something she hadn't told them, but they knew better then to ask she wouldn't tell them either way.

' Yes that's a good idea' Sal said furrowing his brows ' We'll wake up my parents. I think they agree with my plan and when theire awake it'll be easier to tell Rem and Siri'

' Wait wake them up?' Nev asked confused

' Oh yes I send them to sleep before the attack and now we need to reverse the curse damage or effect ' Sal said tilting his head

' You can reverse curse damage?' Nev asked even more surprised ' Wait I have a question could you bring out someone's closed of mind, I mean when it happened trough a curse'

' What curse?' That was all Sal needed to know

' The cruciatus' Nev said in a whisper

' Oh that one!' Drik screamed ' Even I can do that! Hey Sal remember that one time where you tried it....' He couldn't speak any further because Sal just pulled Drik into a rather harsh hug and then whispered ' Quiet Griff, your my favorite but still' a shiver went down Driks spine he had completely forgotten this side existed because normally Sal only let it out when he was alone or atleast when Drik wasn't around. As soon as Hel and Row realized the situation they put a hand on Sal's back and when he didn't let go they slowly began pocking a finger into Sal's back. Still no reaction and now even the others noticed something was wrong because slowly a tear slipped from Driks left eye.

When the drop hit Sal's hand he snapped back only now realizing that he had been strangeling
Drik he emidietly turned around and stormed out of the room

' Please amuse yourselfes we need to solve this problem first' Row screamed while running after Sal trying to catch up to Drik and Hel

Sal didn't know where he was he only knew it was a forest, but in the moment he didnt care.
He sunk down against a tree and then slowly a tear slipped, then another and then he bagan crying like a waterfall. How could he do something like that, he loved Drik with everything he was! It had happened before but this time it wasn't the meddling with dark magic that made him do it right? But one thing was sure he ruined everything, Drik would hate him know and the rest of the group too. Why was he always the one to screw up? Did he even deserve friends like that? But his thinking was interuptet by a crack and some whispers

' Drik?' definitely Hel 'You should go I think you'll do it I believe in you'

Sal tried to stand up and run away again but his legs were too shacky and he fell back,  nearly hitting his head but in the last moment an arm catched him.

' Hey, you Idiot' now Sal saw the tears running down Driks cheeks but also the little promising smile. Drik flung Sal around and now held him really close to his chest.
' But...'A soft hand interrupted his speech
'Shhh. It's alright, I already forgave you. I really was worried when you ran away' those where the words Drik said while pulling Sal's face to his shoulder
' Why?'
' Because I love you silly' A shudder went down Sal's spine but it wasn't a bad one.Sal wanted to say something but Drik just hugged him tighter, then Sal slowly pushed himself backwards so he could look into Driks eyes
'I love you too my idiot' he said while fastly taping Driks nose with one finger. Both grinned and then kissed slowly. It was their first kiss in a long time but it was still so familiar and both fastly found their rythm back.
Suddenly Row and Hel came out from behind the tree while cheering and clapping like their lives depended on it, Drik and Sal both got red but still pulled in for another short kiss.
' Wait Sal?' Drik said sounding really happy
' We beat the girls !Were together before them this time around!' When he finished the sentence he looked at Sal and then both began grinning like real idiots ' Ha now it's a draw!'

' By Merlin no!' Hel couldn't accept that and looked at Row then the girls smiled
' Hey Row you know that I love you, right?' Hel asked' while puffing up to get taller
' Oh my! Of course I didnt' Row said thrifing with sarcasm ' Oh and I love you too you know?'
Both said it on such a casual basis it really was disturbing but only a little bit
Then Row picked Hel up and Hel fastly wrapped her legs around Row, then she placed a little kiss on Rows lips only to get pulled in for another.
' Comme Drik I think we should go they were always so much more bad then we are'
' Yep I think a walk together would be better then to watch them. All this exchange of I love you and this stuff, comme let's go!'
' Hel can you believe the boys they'll do the same while walking'
' I know Row, I know. Oh and I love you'
At that time all four shared one thougt.
Why didn't we get back together sooner?

It was evening when the founders finally retourned to the burrow, only to find their study group playing some games or planning pranks for the comming year.
' Hey look who's finally back' Pans said pointing to the door where the founders stood
' What took you all so long?' Blaise asked and the founders realized the group had pushed the event from the morning away and would soon forget it.
' Oh, that's a good question ' Row said slowly smiling like the devil' You know we needed to get those two here back together, or I wouldn't have dared to call them the married couple they are' You could see the eyebrows rising and many searching looks until they spottet their hand inclined with each other and then there was a chorus of ahhs and little applause.
Now Drik and Sal looked like Tomato's and then decided to make the only possible thing for payback
'Oh did you know those two were also married?' Drik asked while pointing at Hel and Row while Sal continued ' And they also got back together' Then the same procedure followed again.
' Wait a minute' Herm screamed ' That means all history books are wrong! There ever was a need for this deep findship? It looks like you two are just fine together! Why aren't the houses?' Sal shoot Herm a look that said please stop? And  then said ' We don't talk about it, same with everything regarding our deaths' and the other founders just nodded in agreement.

When the mood had settled down a bit the founders finally said the long awaited sentence
' It's late enough, well be off to the hospital now alright? Nev go home I think you'll be called over.'  With that they took each other's hand and just pulled themselves into the hospital with their magic, to be real the wards weren't really strong or at least that was their opinion now that their full magic was back.
Slowly they looked around curious where to go now, but in the end they decided to follow the sign saying curse damage.
' You sure got everything we need?'Drik asked
' Yup, protection rings, wand and the knife'Sal said while looking around ' Ah that's the room! Let's go, we don't have all night. Especially after we finished the rituals.'
They had decided to heal Nevs parents first and so they sneaked into their room.
' Alright you begin with the chanting and I'll draw the runes like always ' Sal said and immediately started drawing runes over the sleeping couple.
Some minutes later you could hear a little bang  showing the ritual had worked. As soon as they knew it worked they sneaked out of the room, only Seconds before a nurse stormed to the door.
' Let's go, the next one will be easier'

Some minutes later the founders were rewlived both rituals had worked perfectly. Immediately they teleported home, Hel and Row to the burrow, Sal and Drik to Grimmouldplace.
Sal only waiting to be called, because his parents suddenly awoke.

Everyone was in a happy mood, but Rows was slightly dimmed . She knew a real war would come the earth told her. Her desteny would slowly unrap until 16 people from the former 20
died, then her task would start it wouldn't be easy to fullfill that's why earth told her so early what would come. Desteny was cruel this time around and she wouldn't really see the end.
She knew all that but couldn't tell the others that's why she decided to youse the time the best she could.

Time flies and she really feared the moment the others would notice too.

Alright that's it with the chapter, it's rather short I know, but from this point on the story will get darker. There will be some cool happy moments but it will get sadder in evry following chapter. But I still hope you had fun with this chapter, omg I'm so bad writing kiss scenes.
Urgh Nevermind I hope you liked the chapter and hopefully see you in the next

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