20. (Pt 2)

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December 30th

The car ride to no man's land was so silent you could hear a pin drop . Maya refused to say anything to Sincere because one, she didn't know what to say and two, she didn't know how to go about it.

But the sun was soon high in the sky and she was starting to get restless. She had to at least say something. They had pulled over multiple times to get food and use the bathroom but Sincere didn't eat nor pee.

He was just as shocked as anyone else being that his own son could do something like that.

Something so hurtful.
Something so cruel. 

It was like he had no regards for the man who gave him life. He wondered where he went wrong  with his parenting. His mind traveled to NaTasha. He wondered what she was doing and who she was doing it with. Even though he knew they hadnt been right for a long time, the whole thing was super sudden.

Like out the blue sudden.

But he gave her what she wanted because if it wasn't her way there was no way. Their divorce was still very fresh and they still havent sat down with any lawyers to discuss anything whatsoever. He wondered if he would even be alive to see the damn lawyers. He shook his head roughly. He couldn't think like that. He had to be alive. He had more life to live and others to live for.

He glanced at Maya who faced the window. They hadn't said anything the whole 3 hours they had been driving. One, he didn't want to talk. Wasn't shit to talk about. He knew she was gone ask him if he was okay and he wasn't. He was stressed out and the shit Semaj just pulled made the stress even worse.

By 9 a.m, he was pulling onto a gravel driveway that led all the way up to an all white 3 story home. Maya looked around her as she unbuckled the seat belt and opened the door.

Sincere grabbed her arm. "Wait."

Maya huffed. "I'm tired of waiting." She folded her arms over her chest. "Where we at?"

"We're in Ohio." He said slowly. "This was my family home."

"Ok? So what we waiting for, let's go in." She stared at him with a state of confusion.

"I haven't been here in years." He dug in his pocket and pulled out the key to the home. "Make yourself comfortable. Give me a few minutes."

Maya took the keys from his hand and trucked up the hill to the house. She didn't bother getting her things.

Sincere sat in more silence as she sat back in the drivers seat. He just needed time to think clearly.

By himself.

He closed his eyes and listened to the wind. The house was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and snow.

It was true though. He had not been to his family home in ages. Not since his children were little. The four of them used to spend their summers down here, going to the fair, family dinners, pool parties with the neighbors, you name it. They did it. As his kids got older, they outgrew the family vacations and wanted to do other things. Semaj wanted to hang out his with boys and Serenity wanted to take gymnastics and dance so he let his kids be kids.

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