Epilogue: Made it

Start from the beginning

She was ready to pounce on him, she was angry. Her hands were clenching and unclenching into fists, and her muscles were tense. Despite still recovering from a bullet she would start swinging!

Minho, reading her body language, wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tight, to his chest; making sure she wouldn't attack the one doctor they had. The only one who could help. Raegan cried and clung to Minho and Alex's legs.

Dr. Prior didn't flinch away, but calmly opened a syringe, and inserted the pain medicine into Newt's IV.

"What is interesting, Alex, is that I used the serum we were working on, but used Sonya's blood, because she was at the camp when I made this small batch of Sirum. Thinking because you were twins it would be relatively the same, having the same antibodies excreta, genetic make up ecetra. But I guess, because of WICKED, they really did make you into the super soldier that could be the savior of humanity...look at Brenda here. With your blood mixed with just the proto type the Right Arm had, she had been crank free for a full year, with zero relapses. Newt only had 2 days."

He explained it so calmly Alex relaxed into Minho and listened. He paused and turned to her, holding a few empty vials and a needle, "so, with your permission. May I take some of your blood? I promise will not drain you like a human juice box."

Alex snorted, her face broke into a small smile, "you've hung out with me too long."

"That I have my dear" his lip curled into a smile. "Now, do I have your permission?"

Alex nodded. She sat down on the floor, holding an arm out for him. She pulled Raegan back down beside her. Dr Prior tied a rubber band around her arm, and inserted the needle into her arm. Bright red blood flowed out, into the tube, filling up a few big vials. Once they were full, he pressed some gauze over it and slid the needle out.

"There. Thank you. Now I'll mix our serum with your blood and we will see what happens. Newt's sedated for now. I will be a few minutes."

He got up and left, leaving everyone else behind. Alex pulled her knees gingerly to her chest, placing her chin on her knees. She felt Minho and Sonya scooch closer. Thomas, Brenda, and Jorge also came and sat beside them, Chloe sat beside Newt on the other side of Newt, holding his limp hand. They were all quietly anxiously waiting for Dr Prior to come back.

Dr Prior came back with a satisfied smile. "Okay, a gift of science and a gift of biology, together they make a mericle." He knelt down and gave Newt the new serum, mixed with Alex's blood.

Nothing dramatic happened. But Alex felt a little calmer. Brenda was fine ..so Newt should be too. They just had to wait and see.

Newt's body had to fight off a deadly disease and heal from the knife wound. Alex sighed, running a hand through her hair, it was so tangled; still caked with blood and sweat from their escape.

"Min, I really need a shower. Are there showers here? I haven't left the deck, walking still is exhausting."

"Ya, come on. And then we can collect Raegan and Chloe and I'll take you all to Fry. He's in the mess hall ...or whatever it's called. If Auntie Sonya is good watching the girls for a bit?"

Sonya nodded with a smile. The little girls nodded too. Raegan scorched over to Chloe, they both sat beside Newt, and started to tell him a long drawn out story only a four year old could- even though Newt didn't respond, she talked anyway.

"Good that."

Minho smiled watching the girls for a moment and stood up. He held out a hand for Alex and helped her to her feet. Together they walked down the ramp. Alex stumbled at the base, without breaking his stride he swooped her up in his arms, kissed her nose and carried her to the showers.

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