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Ginny walked downstairs of her house. She had moved out of the Burrow, and now lives with Luna, her best friend. Luna looked up from what she was reading, The Quibler, which her dad writes, and smiled at her best friend.

"Sleep well?" Luna asked.

"Very much so." Ginny replied. "You?"

"Yeah. I woke up early and made breakfast."

"Anything left for me?" Ginny asked.

"Not in the kitchen." Luna replied, not a hint of amusement coming from her.

Ginny raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at her lips. She was always amused by Luna. Most people found her odd, but Ginny loved Luna's quirks. Often defended her from mean kids when they were both still in Hogwarts. Ginny didn't find Luna odd one bit. She found her amazing.

"I think you lost me somewhere."

"No, I didn't." Luna told her, her expression blank. "You're right there."

Ginny laughed. "No, I mean what you said.

Luna nodded. "Go out back."



Ginny's curiosity was picked. "Why?"

Luna grinned. "You'll see."

Ginny walked to the screen door that led to the back door. She looked back at Luna, who just nodded at her encouragingly, grinning still. Ginny, confused as ever, pulled the door open to find a table with two chairs and white clothe. The table was set for two pairs and a vase with a rose in the middle. Harry appeared in view as he smiled at her. Ginny felt butterflies in her stomach as she returned the smile.

"What is all this?" Ginny asked.

"Our anniversary date." Harry replied. "Happy two years."

Ginny ran over to him, flinging her arms over his shoulders, planting a passionate kiss on his lips. He grabbed her waist, pulling her closer.

"I love you." Ginny told him.

"I love you too." Harry agreed.

"Want to enjoy breakfast?"

"I'd love to."
Ginny and Harry have spent all day together. After breakfast, they laid together on the couch, just talking and enjoying each other's company. Then they had lunch. Now they are playing a one-on-one Quidditch match as Luna watched, and she even got to be the referee. Harry made a goal as he cheered. Ginny rolled her eyes and did a Quidditch maneuver, also making a goal. She smirked and Harry laughed.

"You're on."

The two were tied. Harry was close to making the winning goal when Ginny swooped in under him, took the Quaffle, and flew the other way. Harry, shocked, momentarily paused, before chasing her. Ginny threw the Quaffle as it flew through the goalpost.

"Ginny wins!" Luna declared.

Ginny and Harry flew to the ground and dismounted from their brooms. Harry placed a kiss on her cheek as she was beaming up at him.

"You've gotten better than me." Harry commented.

Ginny smirked. "I've always been better than you."

Harry laughed. "I was the youngest player in Hogwarts, thank you very much."

"True, true." Ginny agreed. "But I'm a professional Quidditch player now with the Holyhead Harpies. I'm a professional, while you were just a school player."

Harry playfully rolled his eyes. "Very funny."

Ginny grinned. "I thought so."

Luna took a picture of the two staring lovingly at one another. "You two make an adorable couple."

Ginny put her arm around his torso, as he laid his hand on her back. She put her head on his shoulder as he laid his head on top of hers.

"I'd say so." Ginny agreed.

Harry kissed the top of her head. "Me too."

Luna snapped another picture.
The two had dinner and played another Quidditch match, where Harry managed to narrowly beat her, getting back at her for the game before. They sort the rest of the night, hanging out in Ginny's room. But it was getting late. Harry realized how late, and sighed as he sat up.

"I guess I should be heading home." Harry commented.

Ginny groaned as she stretched. "Do you have to?"

"It's late, Gin."

"I know. But you said Ron is staying at the Burrow tonight, right?"


"Then maybe you could stay here for the night. It is our anniversary after all."

Harry smiled. "Sounds lovely."

He leaned down and kissed her sweetly, before laying back down. He put his arm around her as she laid on him, her head on his chest. They both smiled to themselves as they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Ginny's eyes fluttered open. She looked up to see Harry still sleeping soundlessly. She grinned as she watched him, her heart filling with nothing but love. "I love waking up next to Harry." She laid her head on his chest again, feeling his heartbeat, which was a sense of comfort for her, as she still remembers how it felt when she thought he had died during the war. She closed her eyes, not ready to get up, letting sleep overcome her once again.
Harry opened his eyes and saw Ginny laying on him. He smiled as he watched her beauty as she slept soundlessly. He moved a lock of red hair out of her cute face. "I love waking up next to Ginny." His arm was around her and his fingers brushed her silky hair. He could smell her flowery scent, remembering when he was in Slughorn's potions and smelled that very scent in the Animorta. He decided he didn't want to wake her yet, not ready to lose this feeling.
After what felt like hours of just laying down and watching Ginny sleep, Harry leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Ginny's eyelids slowly opened as she looked up and smiled at Harry as he returned the smile.

"You look beautiful in the morning."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Liar."

"I'm not lying." Harry leaned over her, kissing her lips. "You're very beautiful in the morning."

Ginny grinned. "You're sweet."

"I loved waking up next to you." Harry told her.

"Me too." Ginny agreed, kissing his lips. "It was a wonderful feeling."

"I wish I didn't have to go."

"Do you have work today?" Ginny asked.

"In an hour." Harry replied. "I need to get home and change before I go in."

Ginny nodded. "I have practice with the team in a few hours anyways."

"You'll do amazing."

"I know."

Harry chuckled.

"Will I get to see you tomorrow?" Ginny asked.

"I hope so." Harry replied. "The days I don't get to see are not good days."

Ginny giggled, kissing him again. "Then pop in tomorrow morning before work."

"Will do." Harry agreed. "Especially if you kiss me like that again."

Laughing, Ginny playfully rolled her eyes as kissed him passionately. When they pulled apart, Harry was grinning like an idiot.

"Go." Ginny told him. "Get ready for work."

Harry placed one last kiss on her lips before standing up. He grabbed his wand apparated away. Ginny laid back down, sighing, and smiling to herself. What a wonderful anniversary.

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