First I Love You!

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      Ginny was in Hogsmeade, hanging out with Luna. The girls were shopping. Luna was helping Ginny find the perfect date for her boyfriend, Harry. They had date tomorrow, and she wanted to surprise him with a gift. But finding something proved to be more difficult than she would have figured. 

   "Maybe something Quidditch related?" Luna asked. 

   "I think that is a great way." Ginny replied. 

    They left the shop and walked a block away and walked into another one. Ginny and Luna browsed the front. They looked at all the brooms, which were much too expensive. Luna began looking at jerseys as Ginny began walking towards the back, before stopping in her tracks and turning to face Luna. 

"I have a better idea than something Quidditch related." 

Luna turned to her. "Like what?" 

Ginny smiled. "Follow." 

    Luna, with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, followed her best friend out of the shop, the harsh winds blowing at them the moment they stepped outside. Ginny put up the hood of her jacket and gave Luna her scarf, grabbing Luna's hand, and walked to a very different shop. 

    Meanwhile, at the back of the shop the girls just left, was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry too wanted to find the perfect gift for his date with his amazing girlfriend the next day. As Ginny absolutely loves Quidditch, they were hoping to find her something Quidditch related. Hermione's eye caught something as she walked off. 

   "There's so many Quidditch things you could get her." Ron noted. 

   Harry sighed. "I know." 

   "Hey!" Hermione called. "What did you say was Ginny's favorite team?" 

   "Holyhead Harpies." Ron and Harry spoke in unison. 

   "Then you guys might want to check this out." 

    Ron and Harry went back to where Hermione stood. Harry's eyes found what Hermione was taking about. Harry grinned, knowing that this was the perfect gift for Ginny. 


    Harry walked onto the Quidditch field. It was empty today, so him and Ginny decided this was the perfect place for a picnic date, where they would be alone. He held his gift wrapped as he walked toward Ginny, who had beat him there and already sat up the picnic. She wore her fiery red hair down, except with the sides pulled back into a ponytail, keeping her hair out of her face. She also wore a white and black dress. The dress itself was white but it had black lace all around it. This surprised Harry, as Ginny only wore dresses on special occasions. Once he reached her, he sat his gift down and sat next to it, across from her. He also noted that she had a gift wrapped next to her as well. 

   Harry gestured to her dress. "What's the special occasion?" 

   Ginny grinned at him. "Any day with you is a special occasion." 

   Harry returned the smile. "I see we both had the same idea." 

   Ginny looked at both gifts, perfectly wrapped. "Who first?" 

   "Me. I've been wanting to see your reaction to this since yesterday." 

   Ginny nodded as he handed her his gift. He watched her as she unwrapped the gift. Once the wrapping was off, her smile grew ten times wider. In her hands was a framed poster of the Holyhead Harpies team, with each members signed signature. Her fingers traced the poster. 

   "This is beautiful." Ginny commented. "It must have been so expensive." 

   "You're worth it." 

   Ginny looked up at him, her eyes shining. "I love it." 

  She sat the poster down and picked up her gift, handing it to him. He accepted it and unwrapped it, revealing a rectangular box. He opened it to reveal a crafted rectangular wooden box. He took it out and let his fingers trace the edges. It looked handmade, but it was beautiful. It had a bunch of designs on it. He opened the lid to see an indention inside it, in the shape of a wand. 

   "It's a wand box." Ginny told him. "To keep your wand in when you sleep or when you're just chilling at home, and don't need it at the moment." 

   Harry smiled. "Did you make it yourself?" 

   "I bought the box at Hogsmead and the supplies to design it and craft it into this." 

   "It's beautiful." 

   Ginny smiled. 

   "I love it!" Harry told her, looking up at her. "I love you!" 

    Ginny's smile grew. Harry realized what he said, but his smile never faltered, as he stared at his girlfriend. He laid the wand box down and reached over, laying his hand on top of hers, causing goosebumps to spread across her arm. 

   "I do." Harry repeated. "More than anything." 

   Ginny, whom Harry has only seen cry a few times in the many years of knowing her, welled with happy tears. "I love you too." 

   Harry grinned. 

   Ginny squeezed his hand. "With everything I have." 

    Harry leaned over the picnic and kissed her softly, his hand in her hair, feeling the silkiness. Ginny's grin never faltered, even when he pulled away. 

   "Should we eat?" Harry asked. "Before the food gets cold?" 

   "Yes." Ginny replied, laughing. 

    As Harry dished out the food, Ginny stared at him, with love and happiness. She smiled to herself before digging into the food. He glanced up at her, with a small smile displayed across his lips, and then began eating. 

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