Lunch Break!

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Ginny walked downstairs to see her dad reading the Quibbler on the couch. Her mom walked in from the kitchen, with two cups of coffee, handing one to her husband, as she sat next to him. She looked up and saw her only daughter. 

"Hey, there you are!" Molly exclaimed. "You have a letter on the table. It's from Luna." 

Ginny smiled. "Thanks, mom." 

Ginny walked into the kitchen and immediately opened the letter. Her heart pounded in her chest. She was nervous, but excited. Her eyes scanned the letter and she grinned, doing a slight jump in the air. 


"What is it, honey?" Arthur asked. 

"Um, nothing." Ginny replied. "It's just, Luna." 

There was a knock at the door. Ginny folded the letter and put it in her jeans pocket. When she opened the door, she was face to face with her boyfriend. She grinned and pulled him into a kiss. 

"I'd say you're happy to see me." Harry commented. 

Ginny chuckled. "Shut up and kiss me." 

"Don't need to tell me twice." 

He kissed her again, more passionately this time. 

"Who is it, honey?" Molly asked. 

The two pulled away and sighed. 

"That's a mood killer." Harry muttered. 

"It's Harry, mom." Ginny replied, repressing a smile. 

A moment later, Molly and Arthur walked in, and both hugged him. 

"It's good to see you, Harry." Arthur told her. 

"Do you want to stay for lunch?" Molly asked. 

"I'd love to, but I'm on my lunch break at work." Harry replied. "And I wanted to have a nice date with my girlfriend." 

"Of course." Arthur agreed. "What about your next day off?" 

"I'd love to." Harry told him. 


Ginny took a bite of her food and looked up at Harry, who was taking a sip of his drink. She looked back down. and Harry eyed her. 

"What?" Harry asked. 

"I have news." Ginny replied. "I haven't told anyone. I didn't want to until I knew for sure, and I found out for sure. From Luna." 

"What news?" 

"Luna and I have, for a while, been planning on living together. For a while. Like you and Ron. And I got a letter from her today, saying we got the house we were looking at." 

"That's great, Gin!" 

"I haven't told my parents." Ginny told him. "I'm their only daughter, the youngest, AND their only child still living in that house." 

"Do you want me to be there when you tell them?" Harry asked. 

"Yes." Ginny replied. "They don't freak out when you're around. At least, not visibly. They'll freak out on the inside, but that's it." 

Harry laughed. "Well, we have plans on my next day off. We can do it then." 

"When is that?" Ginny asked. 

"Four days." Harry replied. 

"Good." Ginny commented. "Because we plan to move into the house in a week." 

"I'll help." 


Harry looked at his watch and sighed. "I have to get back. Ron and I are working together for a big case." 

"Everything okay?" 

"We'll see. I'll let you know." 

Ginny nodded. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

He kissed her before taking out his wand apparated. Ginny sighed before taking out her wand and apparated home. 

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