Love Letters!

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Harry now had his own house in the Wizarding World. He lived with Ron. Harry and Ginny aren't ready to live together, and Ron and Hermione aren't ready to live together. They haven't been dating that long. It's only been seven months since the war ended. Besides, Harry and Ron have always wanted to live together before they moved in with their girlfriends in the future. They've been loving living together and loving their jobs as Aurors. 

Harry and Ron left their house early that day. They were heading to the Burrow for the day, to hang out with the Weasley's. Their family. Hermione was supposed to head there too. Ron and Hermione already found her parents in Australia and returned their memories. Harry was excited to see Ginny. They send letters to each other every day. But he cannot see her every day, because she's in her last year of High School, so she's usually at Hogwarts. So is Hermione, as she decided to go back for her final year, whereas Ron and Harry opted against it. But Hogwarts was on break for Holiday. Harry felt excited at the thought of seeing his girlfriend, and he knew Ron felt the same way about his. 


Ginny flew down on her broom, her red hair flying. She got off the Hogwarts Express a couple hours ago. Hermione went to hours, but she plans to apparate here for dinner tonight. She's excited to see everyone, especially Ron. Her feet landed on the ground as Percy walked over to her. 



"You look free up there." Percy told her. "Without a care in the world." 

Ginny smiled. "I love flying. The wind in my hair. It's an amazing feeling." 

"I was never a fan of it." 

"I know. I have a few friends like that. It's not for everyone." 

Just then, Hermione apparated in front of them. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Hermione asked. 

"The joys of flying." Ginny replied. 

Hermione shrugged. "I'm not big on flying." 

Ginny laughed. "I know." 

"When are Ron and Harry showing up?" Hermione asked. 

"You're a little early." Ginny replied. "They should be here within an hour." 

Hermione grinned. "I can't wait to see Ron. This is the longest I've gone without seeing him in years." 

Ginny smiled. "I know. I miss Harry." 


   Harry and Ron apparated in the living room. Ron looked around, smiling. 

   "This feels weird. 

   "Being back at the Burrow?" Harry asked. 

   "Being away from it." Ron replied. "My life was either here or at Hogwarts." 

   Harry nodded. "I understand that feeling." 

   Arthur Weasley walked in and grinned. "Ron, my boy!" 

   Ron smiled as he gave his dad a hug. 

   "Harry!" Arthur then gave Harry a hug. 

   "Did you say Ron and Harry?" Molly asked as she walked in from the kitchen. 

   "I did." Arthur replied as he moved out of the way to let his wife give them both massive hugs. 

"When did you get here?" Molly asked. 

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