Birthday Surprise!

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Harry and Ron ate breakfast when Pigwigeon flew in, falling on the table, spilling their cereal. Ron sighed as Harry took the envelope and began reading it. He had not yet gotten himself to get another Owl after Hedwig's death. But Ron lets him use Pigwigeon whenever he needed to send a letter to someone. 

"So?" Ron asked, looking at Harry anxiously. 

"McGonagall said we could visit Hogwarts." 

Ron grinned. "Yes! I miss Hermione." 

Harry nodded. "So do I." 

"But not as much as Ginny, right?" 

"Am I that transparent?" 

Ron laughed. "Just a bit." 

Harry smiled to himself, thinking about his girlfriend. 


After waking up, Ginny quickly changed and headed toward the common room, her red hair bouncing behind her. There were no classes that day, which made her happy. She had plans with Luna and Hermione, as she does most days, not including during classes. Once in the common room, she noticed Hermione wasn't there. The two usually head to the Courtyard to meet Luna together. She just shrugged and decided to head there on her own. 

Once in the Courtyard, she still didn't see them. Sighing she turned around to see Luna and Hermione running towards her. 

"Happy Birthday!" 

Ginny laughed. "Thank you." 

"We have a surprise for you." Luna told her. 

"I told you not to get me anything." 

"Trus me, you'll want this surprise." 

The girls took her hands as they ran back into the Castle. They ran throughout the hall until they reached the Great Hall. As it was in between meals, no one was really in thee. As soon as they ran in, Ginny noticed Harry and Ron standing there, talking and looking around, reminiscing about their Hogwarts years, though they were not too long ago. The two turned when they saw the girls walking in. Ron and Hermione ran to each other as he picked her up and spun her around. Ginny and Harry ran to one another as she smashed her lips against his. 

"Happy Birthday." 

Ginny grinned. "This is the best gift for my seventeenth." 

Harry pulled her into a hug, smelling her flowery scent. "I couldn't miss your birthday." 

Ginny chuckled as they pulled away as Ron walked over. "Happy birthday, little say." 

Ginny hugged him. "Thanks, Ron." 

"You want to take a stroll on the grounds?" Harry asked. "Like old times?" 

"Always." Ginny replied, taking his hand. 


Ginny and Harry hold hands as they walk the Hogwarts Grounds. Conversation was never hard for them, as they went from one topic to another. From Harry's life as an Aura. How Ginny's last year of Hogwarts is going. Quidditch. The Weasley's and how they're dealing with Fred's death. 

Harry stopped walking, but Ginny continued, not realizing he stopped at first. As he continued to hold her hand, he pulled her back and towards him, kissing her softly. She grinned into the kiss, putting her free hand on the side of his face. 

"I've missed this." Harry told her. 

Ginny nodded. "Me too. I've missed you." 

"Well, after you graduate, we can meet up and hang out as often as we want." 

"I can't wait for that." 

"Me either." 

Smirking, Ginny stepped away from him, her fingers still intertwined with his. "You'll have to wait a few more months." 

Harry groaned. "Too long, I tell you." 

Ginny laughed, walking away and dragging Harry along behind her. 


Ginny and Harry sat in the Courtyard. Harry had his arm around her as she had her head on his shoulder. They were just relaxing, laying on the ground, and gazing at clouds. They heard footsteps and sat up to see Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville walking over with a cake. Neville has been helping Sprout out as she prepares to retire, and he prepares to take over. 

"Happy Birthday, Ginny!" 

Ginny playfully rolled her eyes and simultaneously shook her head. They all sat down and began cutting the cake. 

"How's your birthday going?" Neville asked. 

"Great." Ginny replied, looking at Harry. 

"You guys disgust me." Ron muttered. 

"I could say the same thing." Ginny told him, referring to him and Hermione. Then she turned to Hermione. "No offense." 

Hermione simply laughed. 

"This cake is delicious." Ginny commented. 

"Neville made it." 

"I didn't know you cooked." Harry commented. 

"You never asked." 

"That was sweet of you, Neville." Ginny told him. "Thank you." 

Neville smiled. "Anytime." 

"How long were you all planning this?" Ginny asked. 

"A couple weeks." Luna replied. 

"How did I not know? You guys can never keep anything from me. I grew up spoiling my own birthday parties because I always figured out the surprise." 

"We all worked together." Harry informed her. "To finally surprise you." 

Ginny smirked. "I'll remember that for next year." 

"Oh, we do not expect this to work again." Ron spoke up. "Not for another decade, at least." 

Ginny laughed. "You got that right." 

Harry leaned over and kissed the side of her head. She turned to face him and leaned in to kiss him. He did the same, only for her to move back and shove a handful of cake in his face. Everyone gasped, surprised at the sudden movement. Harry wiped some cake off his face as Ginny stood up and ran. Harry ran after er as the others just enjoyed eating the delicious cake. 

"Are they always like this?" Neville asked. 

"Always." Ron replied. 

Ginny ran after Ginny, but she was too fast. But then he fell and hit the ground. Ginny stopped in her tracks and ran to him. 

"Harry! Are you okay?" 

Then Harry grabbed her and rolled on the ground, getting on top of her, smirking. 

"You cheated." Ginny accused. 

"No, I outsmarted you." Harry corrected. "You had it coming." 

"I did not!" 

"You threw cake at me." 

Ginny tried, and failed, to hide her laughter. "It was funny." 

Harry stood up and held out his hand. Sighing, Ginny accepted his hand and let him help her up. 

"You actually let me help you." 

"Don't get used to it." 

Laughing, Harry nodded. She tried to wipe the cake off him, looking at him lovingly. He grabbed her waist, pulling her close, and kissed her, smearing cake on her. He oulled apart laughing as Ginny laughed too. 



"So, how's your birthday?" Harry asked. 

"Pretty great." Ginny replied. 

They both grinned as they kissed again. 

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