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  Song Recommendation: Enchanted by Taylor Swift

                 The story of sun and moon

She wiped her tears. Suddenly, she remembered the box she had preserved for the letters she received throughout. She took the keys from the wardrobe and opened the box. Opening it first, her diary caught her eye with a smile. She took it first and started reading it.


Oh, I'm writing this when he is about to leave. He is about to finish school. The very first time I saw him and the last time I saw him, he always had the brightest smile in the sunshine. Even if he is in the middle of nowhere, I can easily identify him, no matter how far he is my love for him would be the same. Maybe I saw you as a distraction for me from my worst state at first, but when I cried that I hadn't seen u in a day, I realised how stupid I got after falling in love with you.

The day I started talking with you through social media, it felt like it just started, but wow, the boy I loved is moving to university. The first tragedy of our meeting... Wow, I couldn't hold myself that day. I hope you had the same excitement, or at least curiosity. But I'm not sure if it was fortunate or unfortunate that I went out. When you crossed me on the stairs, I clearly heard that you were blabbering, which I said to you as my identity was, "I'm the class leader." At that moment, I almost passed out from nerves.
After that, the next day, I was staying in the class, pretty sure you would come, and you came, but I had the embarrassment! After I myself saw you coming and introducing me, I said, "I'm the class leader for whom you are searching, my boy ". My whole 9th grade class knew it in the next second. Then days went by, and I looked at the window every time someone crossed, having a silly hope that it would be you.Then u started passing by my class often...i hope the reason was me .

dmiring you from afar is my favourite thing, but as time passes, nothing can hold back my jealousy when girls are around you. My friends used to get tired of hearing me cuss you out for talking with girls, but no one dared to scold you with me; it was only me. I myself can only do these, and so many times some dared to do them and got smacked up by me. Waiting for you after school to see you talking with your friends turned out to be my routine after school.
Months passed until August, and my birthday arrived. I wanted nothing but to give you separate sweets or maybe share my small happiness that day; it was special for me because of you. I never expected you to ask me, "Tell me whatever you want, and I'll buy you that." And you bought something small, a pouch, but I'm still preserving it, as if it's touched, it'll go into pieces. That morning, during the special programme, all their eyes were on the stage. My eyes were on you alone until you came and moved back in line, and wow, how come I forgot that you got teased while moving back? That feeling of a boy getting teased because of me Strangely, it gave me a bit of guilt, but the very next day I got teased, and it turned into butterflies. The time passed so quickly. Then I myself was participating in competitions, but maybe God wanted to shock me during that time by making me go to your class for the competition. Even though everyone says I have so much guts, I don't really have that. Crossing your class will give me shivers. But I don't know how my eyes can identify you that clearly when I'm in the lecture hall. Often, getting caught while seeing you secretly through the window will be my favourite moment. Then your birthday arrived in October. Saving money to buy shoes for you was the first idea, but I don't know why I bought a couple chains. The worst part of it was giving it up; it was a tragedy.
I gave you the sun with all my love expressed inside the pendant. That was the first time I expressed my love in 100 languages, saying, "I love you." And I had the moon; actually, I symbolise you as the moon. You came to me as an embracing moonlight, and you were as it is when the moon can hear us and see us but doesn't express back whatever we say to it but gives us a light in the darkest time. And the reason I chose Sun and Moon as a couple chain is that it's exactly our love story—maybe "my" love story—just like Sun and Moon are in the same place but can't be together, we can't be together either. You found your sky, your love, Mia,and I will always be by your side, at least as a star.
I never had any regrets because I protected you as much as possible from my family's surroundings. In the sense that my problems can't affect you, I faced every problem after talking with you so happily because I was protecting "my boy." I expressed love through long, cringy texts. Yes, but the way you handled it was quite similar to a man's attitude to me.It wasn't anything as a boy .
Maybe because I was grown in the embracement of my father's love As a small girl, after reaching this particular age, I guess I was still searching for a boy who contained the same thing as my father, but I didn't realise that if I found that in a boy, he wouldn't just be any normal stranger, but he would be my soulmate, my lifelong companion.
I still didn't find it in anyone after feeling that he would be the man. But one thing I realised, no matter how far we are or whether we have touched or not, is that we should not talk too much. But at one point, I realised that he felt my love, and I hope you did too. No matter if you think of me as a friend, I will always hope for goodness for Noah. I love you and I hope for forever.

She finished reading while sobbing. It wasn't any fun for her during that time because she had the love still there. She suddenly felt that someone was there near the door, and she quickly looked back. Her friends had arrived after the shopping. They arrived some times before seeing her overwhelmed again after years. For someone who was not bothered, they self-slapped. She smiled and asked, "Is something written on my face?" Ahh..noo, everyone said in chorus in order to avoid her thinking about it again. If she thinks about it again, she will think everything happened in the past, so they avoided it. Suddenly, she noticed someone new in between them. Her eyes widen, releasing Ryan. "He...that person." She quickly changed her expression and said, "Oh, hello, Bryan." Ryan couldn't believe his ears. First, when he entered with her friends and found that she is reading her diary, he quickly understood what was going on, but he had the jealousy standing up straight because of Noah, her first love. Even though he knows everything, he was trying to hold it together. Seeing her overwhelmed, he wanted to run, hug her, and calm her with his embrace. But he couldn't. He said inside, "Just a week, hold yourself, man!"

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