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Tsubaki mumbled to herself "heh, I gave him the house to himself and he still couldn't do it. Yet I managed to get some even while it wasn't so private."

Liz heard this and she chuckled to herself. She had a feeling that while on this topic, the rumors about her and Kid may be brought up

Kid too was frightened of this, but suddenly his phone rang. Curious, he didn't recognize the number, but when he answered, the mother of the little boy from yesterday greeted him

"Hello? Is this Death the Kid?"

"It is." Kid responded

"Ah, good good! I just felt I should call because Michael, my son, remembered something from yesterday. The poor boy is still shaken up, but he managed to spit out what he's been hiding."

"Any information would be helpful."

"Well, this kind of disturbs me but... He was saying that he saw a black figure come from the sky and land in the park. I know it sounds like nonsense, but then he said that the figure screamed and suddenly all of the children disappeared. He said he sucked them in or something. Michael was able to get away when his dog hid him in the bushes. I hope this is helpful."

everyone stopped and starred at kid, his face looked serious. Maka tried to question the call, but kid only stood and left the seats to continue with the Speaker on the other side

"Yes, thank you. I'll look into it."

the lady hung up and Liz felt she knew what the call was about. But she wanted to change the subject

" did anybody do anything else that's not erotic in any way last night?" she said somewhat awkwardly.

kid return and sat down near liz, while everyone eles looked at each other awkwardly. Their wasn't any awnsers. With that liz looked down awkwardly as the bell rang.

familiar faces filled the room along with spirit

"Maka! your daddy's here to safe the day and fill you with pleatly of knowledge! Aren't you so proud? !"

maka gave her known look "nope-"


maka looked away and began ignoring her father.

as for kid, he thought about what the lady of the boy- mean means Michaels mother had said. "figure screamed and suddenly all the children disappeared ... sucked them in something". ... something hm? But what? A pendant? A weapon?.. but what got him the most was she had said "scream".. the only weapon he knew that did that was.. Ragnarok.

Kid grew uncomfortable with the rising questions he buried himself in.

Liz sat next to Kid and asked "hey, you alright?"

Kid answered with a shake of his head

Liz then felt a little awkward, hoping for more of an explanation "well what's bothering you?"

"Well, the information i was given about the boy, its odd. Very odd. His mother said he confessed about watching a serious of kids disappearing. And im not even the reason why im worked up yet-" he looked and saw today wasn't going to be too extremely important and stood up taking liz with him.

the others watched filling up With curiosity over where they could be heading.

walking out of the room quickly kid looked at liz seriously "what bugs me the most.." he looked around to make sure nobody was in range. "is, how she explained it to me. All the characteristics match Ragnarok. Which shouldn't be possible because their dead.."

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