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Maka check the time and saw that they were going to be late "hey guys! Lets goo! We need to get to school!"
kid all ready started walking by himself he didn't want to be near anyone.. So leaving early was the most logical choice, but with getting everyone gathered up they head out the door for school.
walking to school, Patty noticed Kid up ahead and poked Liz and gestured to Kid
"is he still sad, sis?"

"Uh- no, I think it's something else."

Tsubaki looked confused "hm? What do you mean?"

"uh! N-nothing!"

she waved it off and they where soon at school with soul and black☆star standing out in the commentary waiting for class, but kid wasn't there. Early when the first arrived at the school he mentioned having to use the restroom. But his departure was over 15 minutes ago and he has yet to arrive. Maka assumes that they where blown off and she dosen't like it "hey guys anyone notice that kid isn't here? Still . . ."

Patty, Soul, and Liz all look at Maka, a little worried , and she stared back wondrous of his where abouts.

"Should we look for him?" Liz asks.

Maka looked at the clock on her phone "Well we only have three minutes, and thats the most till the bell rings. So maybe he's just in class."

Liz nodded "yeah, sure. Okay."

They all headed to class, disappointed by the lack of the young short shinigami

The bell rings and Stein comes rolling in on his chair. Liz doesn't even realize class has started, too deep in her thoughts. She was drowsy. Repeating the same name in her head, Liz began to doze off. "Kid.... Kid.... Kid are you ok? What happened? Where are you? You don't have to be ashamed! It's ok! It's ok! It's ok!"
"It's ok!" Liz says out loud before she lifts her head off her desk, waking up

The gang looked at her strangely; then tsubaki sat a hand on her shoulder "hey are you okay?" maka quickly interjected "it's okay? What is that about?"

Liz flushed a dark red before wiping her mouth "I um... I guess I must've been dreaming..."

"Ugh? What was that dream about?" maka looked concerned for her friend while stein listened in on conversation "it appears that liz is quite stressed. But what is it? Reasoning?" he looked around and puffed on a cigarette "well first off i see tsubaki, and maka in different clothing. Which is probably nothing but you two do look nice- And wait ... there seems to be a certain immortal Meister missing from your gang." He smiled sure that he hit dead on since liz's face instantly appeared pale.

She froze, mad at Stein for calling them all out in class. Everyone was looking at her now and her stomach dropped, wishing to be left alone "ah, no need to worry. You see the girls and I had a sleep over last night which is why I'm a little sleepy. As for Kid, he's been sick so it wouldn't surprise me if he is in the bathroom or went home."

stein tilted his head to a side and puffed more smoke "ah if you say so. Please Carry on with your work." he turned around and resumed with his back to the class and the rest of the gang stood still embarrassed from the call out as well . .

Liz sighs, relieved that she saved herself from any more embarrassment.

Tsubaki and makes sunk in there seats still quite flushed in the face, maka mumbles "i can't believe he did that. ."

Still embarrassed, Liz notices the boys are looking at us weird. that's right... We didn't tell them about the sleep over or anything.

Maka directs her attention to soul and black☆star "Yhea... we slept together" she had a grin across her face messing with the boys. It probably worked to since their faces quickly matched hers.

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