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That morning the three got up and dressed. Preparing for another day, like the others they repeated with reputation.
Nothing new since the past current events had happened. . . "But isn't it never good to dwell on the past?'' Kid lived by that thought now. And it was the only thing on his mind while the three walked out the door. . . .

Walking to school he stared, at both of the girls. His tired eyes looked grateful but selfishly withdrawn.

Liz walk up the stairs of DWMA with her Meister, Kid. And my sister, Patti is already ahead of us questioning her ability to be so hyper so early, she arranges in her thoughts.

Slightly uncomfortable with the silence Kid glances over to the girls, the ones he held deeply in his heart. 'I opened them to a new part of life. And now all i ask in return is for them to stay by my side...'

"Liz, patti? You remembered that you promised to help me straighten up the house today? Right?" realistically it wasn't even dirty he pretty much just wants to check symmetry in every corner. Nit, crannies the girls could swear his OCD he claims not to have was getting wrose. "So dont go making other plans after school. Understand?"

Liz huffed clearly annoyed with her miester. "Yes yes, I remember. I promise we wont be doing anything eles. We're all yours." Kid immediately was pleased "Oh hooray! ~ it means we can go through and check all the candles, the nooks and crannies ooove~" (๑> Oᴗ

liz looked at patti "what'd I tell you sis?"

Patti giggled and kid went on about the list of that 'needed' to be done "You can't forget the best part folding toilet paper into neat little triangles!" he was smiling practically fangirling at this thought of this. Liz almost facepalm, slightly more annoyed then before with his need for perfection.

"Yeah yeah, I mumble to myself you're the only one I know that folds toilet paper..."

"Oh? There's another Elizabeth?"

Kid was hoping that it was true, Because though he seemed normal he actually was a bit down missing crona and so he stopped walking up the stairs to death academy and looked at liz

"I must meet this fabulous person! ~"

liz was ultimately confused.

"Kid, you know i said that you are the only one. Right?

Now with his mishearings comfirmed he looks downwards slightly upsetted

"Oh, alright. Hmph! let us continue to the school then!"

So they starts walking again but kid was now a few staps ahead of the girls until they were at the front of the school.

Before walking in kid straightened his stance and then walks through the door seeing Tsubaki and Maka, watching the two talk, as he intertwines with the girls in there corner.

"Oh hello kid, its a nice morning isn't it?"

Tsubaki asked quietly holding makas hand smiling brightly completely clueless to where her partner was. In response kid was courteous with reply.

"I must agree, wonderful indeed."

But then he sighed some as he saw maka moving from holding Tsubaki's hand to hugging Tsubaki's arm tightly with a small blush; but Maka herself wasn't exactly too sure how to feel being opened about Tsubaki but she did know she was happy now.

Liz smiled shyly, and Patti greeted them herself, being polite like usual.
Maka perched her lips and she tuged on Tsubaki's arm

"Tsubaki have you seen soul? The bell is going to ring and I haven't seen the idiot."
Tsubaki smiled and twirled her ponytail with her free hand. "Well, now that I think about it I haven't really seen black☆star either. So realistically my guesses are that they're together hanging out.

Maka was irritated, her face turns red "Which means that their probably skipping class again!" she looked at kid "How do you deal with them? Being there friends and all?"

"Simple, they have basic formats on thinking. Soul wont shut up about patti's breast: which personally i find nothing special about with them being asymmetrical but aside from that I believe that he likes her. And black☆star is still stuck on the whole idea of surpassing god- but also if I think about it; black☆star tends to act like he has a crush on patti himself . . ."

Maka looked at patti "wait you think soul likes patti????" She was surprised.

Then tsubaki smiled some. "Well he also thinks black☆star dose as well maka."

Patti giggles "hahaha Soul-kun likes giraffes! He told me himself"

Liz mumbled "he's probably trying to get closer to you."

But then with a small grin tsubaki interrupts "What was that liz?"

"Ugh- oh, oh nothing heh.." She started chuckling nervously waiting for the subject to be changed and a drop of sweat goes down the back of her head.

Suddenly Black☆star loudly piped out of no where "HIIIYAAAAAA THE GREAT BLACKSTAR IS HERE!!!! YAHOO" And with thag he crashed through a widow.

Kid noticed liz's behavior quickly and so with a nonverbal response he rose a brow questioning the behavior. Wondering if he hence jealous but a sigh cut him off just in time from his roaming thoughts due to black☆stars voice.

Tsubaki scowled "black☆star! Where've you been?" Even though she was upset she was quite and polite. But Blackstar just laughs out loud.
"Hahaha! Just kicking this punk's ass for calling me weak!"

Maka, kid, and tsubaki both sighed.

Soul then walked in: "whoa! That fight was totally epic and cool! Such awesomeness man."

Hearing the bell go off warning people to get to class kid couldn't help but to be sarcastic.

"Oh fabulous, now that you two, girlfriends have got your little kitty spats over can we please go to class?"

Maka giggles amused by kid's slightly exposed irritation, actually she's been quite surprised by how kid has been lately. With all that has happened he still had a smile on his face acting like his normal self. She expected him to be a bit more 'sadder?' But he wasn't. She wonders whats going through his head even now, but pausing on thoughts she looks up to tsubaki and tugs her. "Lets head to class!"

"heh!" With a smile and a small giggle she began to follow her girlfriend.

Everyone eles followed and walked into class. Liz sat by patti, patti was near soul and then he followed black☆star, tsubaki, and maka. Then there was a blank seat. It was crona's. He had sat near Kid and Maka which did him wonders with being so shy and all. Kid frowned and took a seat trying not to think too much of it-.

Mifune, the new teacher that had walked into class. Liz for one appreciated and actually liked Mifune, considering he taught us more than just dissection

Mifune greeted the class "hello class"

Kid tuned everyone up to greet him back as well, then the class quieted down again. . .

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