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The feeling seemed to last forever, even though it was only for a second. When the falling sensation stops, Kid believes that he's done it.

"Kid! Kid!" Kid heard his name being called out and he opened his eyes to see Crona holding his hand

"Crona!" He saw the pink haired boy and for a while, they were surrounded in nothing but darkness

Liz was just about in tears, thankful that she caught Kid on time. She couldn't believe that he was about to fall over the bridge. She caught his hand and could barely hold onto him. "Kid! Kid!" She said. He opened his eyes and called "Crona!" It appeared he was hallucinating. Crona? Liz had never seen his eyes grow so brightly, or his smile reach so far across his face. Not having time to think about it, she pulled him up and hugged him tightly

"You stupid head!!" She yelled in tears, "you scared me! If you died, I would've never gotten the chance to tell you I love you!"

Kid was pulled up by the boy he loved and pulled into a hug. "You stupid head!" Crona said, "you scared me! If you died, I would've never gotten the chance to tell you I love you!". Confused, Kid thought to himself that Crona had told Kid he loved him many times. He was about to say it back, when suddenly he was not in Crona's arms anymore, but in Liz's.

He looked up confused, slowly realising the the pare of hand that held him wasn't boney and thin but yet firm and strong. Closing his eyes he leaned his head back "Crona. . .? No, Liz? Wait. . " 

Liz gulped and regretted what came out of her mouth. She hesitated before nodding "y... Yes. It's me..."

... He wanted to believe it was crona, so once again he lingered her voice into crona's "crona . . Please don't play games" he reached up and touched liz's face i missed you. still out of it he heard and saw only the pink hair boy.

Liz blushes and realizes that pretending that she was Crona would get her out of the mess she may have potentially started. But was that fair? Not having time to think about it, she pulls him away from the edge and walks him off the bridge.

the others ran up to the end of the bridge and kid stares at the holding liz tightly believing that ge has crona "Guys! Guys! Look its crona!" his eyes where glossed and puffy

maka stopped and looked at him confused "C-Crona?" her eyes opened widely and she stared at liz and mouth "what?"

Liz was just as confused and gave her a look saying "I have no idea" and she shrugged.

They all looked at him like he was insane. . . And then Tsubaki spoke up "stop. You can't do that to him, he looks like he really has no idea"

Kid turned to tsubaki and frowned "what do I have no idea about?"

"That's not crona."

He scowled with black☆star and soul extremely confused.

"K...Kid?" Liz says, unsure of what else to say "I... It's Liz." she didn't want to torture him.

Kid looked at liz "no, it can't be! I left the world for you Crona! "

. . . . .

Liz felt horrible and without thinking she said "Crona saved you! Do you think he'd really want you to die!?"

He froze and suddenly the long, lean, timidity sweet pink haired boy disappeared. And all he saw was liz. Shocked he couldn't speak

". . ."

Liz looked at him desperately, tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Liz-" he looked over to patti and she wasn't her usual happy self, he frowned. And it even looked like she was going or had been crying before. "patti-" then he looked at the two clueless boys and tsubaki with maka. They where all distressed slowly putting the puzzle together of what kid just almost tried to do

"Kid you need help." Tsubaki boldly stated. And quickly maka spoke up over her

"Kid, let us help you- keeping all the bottled up inside isn't helping. If anything its torture. You know when crona first died I never said anything"

"Thats not a helpful enlightenment maka-"


Kid froze and listened shocked from her rising her voice

"Kid i was just as hurt as you! And I understand it hurts but you need to open yourself up. When i told soul about crona, it helped me. I felt better -"

soul interjected reminding maka that she forgot to mention the fact he died and the argued about how she felt it wasn't necessary. Kid watched for a moment before breaking it off short

"Again, I'd hate to interrupt the kitties scratch but i believe you where trying to give a point"

"Oh- heh yhea-" she pushed soul off and brushed her shorts that where actually patti's "like said. It was a relive for me to get it off my chest to soul-"

tsubaki interrupted with apologies "well maka told me as soon as- well when we starting getting more serious about dating. But really i believe she just wants you to open to us."

"Ye-s. . I do . . Since you where considering suicide"

"Fine. Ill listen. But i find no flaw in my choice."

Relieved that everyone was trying to help Kid, Liz sat down with exhaustion, refusing to let go of Kid, afraid that she could lose him in just seconds if he rejected the help of others. The boys were confused, but they'd probably start figuring it out soon enough.

he plopped down into the grass practically sitting in her lap as he held him down.

"Ugh liz is this necessary?"

Maka nodded and tsubaki smiled "very much" she stated then sat in the grass as well "we cant have you running away in case you decide to change your mind."

"Why would i do that im not shallow-"

"You are relentlessly reckless."

kid wanted to reply but couldn't. It was the truth. So he decide to remain silent.

Liz had began to calm down and added "what do you think your father would've done if you just disappeared. What do you think WE would've done if you disappeared. Kid when you met Patty and I, we were both a mess but you changed that and you saved us. Now you're a mess and it's our turn to save you."

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