texting and dreams?

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Black☆star started his and soul's ritual again of nothing but texting

First to start was soul 'Hey dude do you see patti over there? Pretty smoking in the tight crop top'

black☆star smiled as if it was a race to notice her first then replied 'yhea too bad you cant beat me to asking her out!! Haha because im BS' he abbreviated his name often much simply because he didn't want to spell it all out.

soul laughed to himself finding this way to easy to pun ' Beautiful it's because you're bull shit huh? Bro just stand back and watch how you get a girls number'

By time he hit send and looked up black☆star was already whispering to patti

"Uh damnit!"

Maka turned to soul and hushed him and tsubaki turned to watch black☆star hit on patti.

"Hey Patti!" Black☆star said as quietly as he could, which isn't that quiet considering he IS Black☆star "Every god needs an angel! And I think from the looks of it, you came down from heaven. Wanna be my angel?"


"It's nothing" Liz finally responded

cranking the screw on his head, Stein says "you know, it's not a good idea to lie to your professors. I might just need to punish you." Liz knew he was only joking, but it still creeped her out. Stein pushed her up against a wall and Liz froze

"Stein?" a voice came from the other room. Ms. Marie opened the door, holding a sleeping child. "What on earth??"

"Ahhhh it's not what it looks like!" Liz yells

As if Marie already knew that, she grabbed Stein by the ear and pulled him away, mumbling to herself about marrying a crazy man. Liz took this chance to leave but as she headed out, she noticed a pack of cigarettes on the table.

Patti looked at black☆star and giggled and then kid looked over having a blank expression still "what and the hell-?" Kid thought but he didn't want to dwell on it. If black☆star wanted to be with patti then its his choice, kid wasn't going to be a jerk and try to prevent it.

tsubaki leaned down to maka and giggled herself "maka, looks like black☆star is trying hard to get with patti"

maka watched with a unsure expression "I never though black☆star would be one to try to get in a relationship."

"I guess your right but isn't nice to seen him grow up and mature just a little? "

maka noded "maybe he wont be so narcissistic and loud."

"Im sure he will, patti likes that about him."

"Childishness a turn on?" maka snared and was generally confused on how Patti could be ever interested in black☆star.

"No, not a turn on. But as a enhancement to their potential relationship"

"Oh so they might actually display a real example of a relationship?"

"Yes! You know, It can't possibly be that hard to imagine"

"Well. . "

"Maka can it? You know he deserves happiness too. Even if you don't always get along"

"Yhea i suppose you're right. "

Tsubaki sighed knowing that's the most she was going to get from her girlfriend, and with that she looked up and realized the class was over. The two boys where out of there seats, Black☆star with screaming with joy over patti's agreements to date him and kid was still sitting there waiting for ghh he class full of students to leave. From a distance you could hear soul out the seats sulking about black☆star's victory. . .

"Yahoo! I told you I'd get her! Hoo hoo i got me a Angel! ! So that means one point for meeee zero for soul!"

black☆star paused in monologuing and looked ok ver to soul pulling Patti close "man i thought you were cool- you know cool guys don't always lose the girls."

getting annoyed with his boasting soul dosen't awnser.

Liz stared at the small pack of cigarettes and temptation itched at her hands. Quickly, she grabbed the pack and put it in her pocket. She then took off and walked back home.

As soon as the class room cleared out kid was the first to leave he didn't really want to deal with anyone much. and to top it off he was tired he's been through a lot the last few days and all he really wanted was some sleep for himself so instead of planning to do something fun for Friday night he chose to avoid everyone once again and rest.

Black☆star bounced up to Patti who was about to head home

"Oi! Patti! Since we're dating now and everything, I want to be able to contact you! What's your number?" Blackstar asked with confidence

Patti looked up into the air thinking to herself. She then says "842-34-4566."

Blackstar writes or down on a slip of paper and says "oh boy! Thanks Patti!"

"You're welcome ~ but I don't see how you could use my social security number to contact me. Unless you're part of the government! Woah! That would be so cool!" she walks off talking to herself about how cool it would be if Blackstar was apart of the government, and he stood there, a little dumbfounded "eh?"

Liz sat on her couch and gazed at the box. It brought back many memories of how she used smoking as her way to release stress back on the streets. She looked at the clock "... It'll be while before anyone gets home... Just 15 minutes won't do any harm."

she went to the restroom and lit her first cigarette in years. Spending a little over 15 minutes, whiffing the smoke and thinking to herself, Liz then removed it from her mouth and smashed out the flame. She hid the rest in her panty drawer, knowing no one would find them there. She wanted to keep this a secret for a little longer.


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