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kid stopped suddenly and looked up at liz "wha-" Eyes growing large and pupils dilating he appeared shocked. Shy he looked over to the side at the grass a blushed once again. It seemed to never fail today

tense, nervous, dizzy, and shocked from what maka had just saw she looked up and down the hall paranoid completely unease by all possibilities and reasoning for her darling friends concealed clothing piece. Hearing her phone ring she recoiled back, and pulled it out seeing it was soul, answering she spoke ghastly in suspicion.

"Hello. . .?"

"Maka?. .?"

"What is it soul?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"N-nothing, don't worry about it"

curious, soul wanted to question it again but he feared by doing so maka would close off completely so letting it side for now, he began to continue for the original reason he called "did you know that Tsubaki is here?"



"Because your Chihuahua is barking up her skirt again-"

soul rolled his eyes knowing what that ment and continued "so do you need a muzzle as well?"

annoyed maka forced a laugh "At least I've go around the world and back- heh, you can't even managed hitting on a chick"

"oof-" instantly burned in that moment soul closed his eyes and lifted his head some "whatever"

End result tsubaki chuckled some at soul's face, and soul continued "anyways- when are you coming back? Its getting late."

Noticing that the time read a shocking 6pm she hurried and hung up straighten her mess up

"Just try to come home soo-n" with a small sigh he heard the tone hinting she hung up, but it quickly followed with a chuckle, he flipped his head on the back of the cushion top and tossed the phone to the side. "Tsubaki you got yourself a good catch, dont ever let her go."

Realizing what she did, Liz's face went red. That was the second thing she did without thinking. She looked away, embarrassed and bit her lip, desperately. "Sh...should we go home? It's getting late..."

Maka wasn't sure how long she'd have to wait, pulling up Kid's contact, she called his number.

kid shyly nodded still keeping his glaze down "yhea, that sounds like a good idea" suddenly getting cut off his phone began to rang and he grabbed it looking at it awkward reading that it was maka he awnsered it.

"Um hello?"

"where are you!" Maka demanded. When she realized her harsh tone, she calmed herself down "Kid, there are rumors going around school. What are you up to?"

Liz was disappointed as she heard the conversation. Feeling stupid and embarrassed at what her big mouth pushed her into, she became she and awkward, craving her addiction more, considering she wouldn't be able to look Kid in the face without feeling embarrassed.

he took a ling moment to awnser "well today i was 'up to' spending a day with a beautiful weapon i so happened to realise i have a deep affection for. Why you have a right to question me is still mysterious though. Maka don't you realize thats rude-?"

when done with his small rant he looked off to his side and noticed his dear weapon had disappeared, confused he frowned.

Yeah, i know, I'm sorry. I'm just confused here, so give me some answers." Maka said

Liz walked off, needing to clear her head. She knew it was rude to leave him there, but she hoped that Maka would be a good distraction

he began to walk some and nodded slightly disappointed about the magical disappearance that liz had performed "fine, you ask, and I'll awnser to my discretion"

"For starters, how long has this been going on between you two?" Maka's biggest question was about the cuff, but she was hesitant to ask.

"Well, that depends what you mean. If you're referring to the sexual activities implied in the rumors then i can honestly admit there not true."
continuing to walk and focusing on maka's questions he saw the end of the path in view. Still fairly disappointed in Liz's sudden disappearance he repeatedly told himself that their must have been a good reason why she did it.

"That's not what I was implying," Maka said "however I was curious about that too. I was asking how long have you and Liz been keeping these feelings for each other?"

As Liz walked on, she felt something disturb her. The screech from before and the lack of children felt like they were connected. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard what sounded like a whimper. Turning her head, she saw a dog and a boy, about 8 years old she thought, hiding in the bushes. They looked terrified.

Off to her left was a tall attenuated shadow crept in the setting Sun's tone, intensity rose as she stood their frozen in fear, listening close enough she could hear a scrapping metallic sound, like someone was shraping a weapon of some sort, it was only a wonder what the possibilities could be, and it filled her with fear.


Even though she couldn't see kid rubbed his head sheepishly, and his tone fell to a very bashful timbre. "well, thats a bit of a question it's self. It was never planned or anything like that, and i never noticed anything till working close with liz's helpful hand."

with the words she had just heard from his mouth it gave maka a illusion filled confirmation of her deep vast idea of liz taking advantage of him for her own personal desire.

Liz suddenly turned towards the noise, vigil of her surroundings. But she saw nothing. She heard it again, and whatever it was, it was circling her. Although she was terrified and her skin was crawling, she put herself into a guarding stance around the boy.

Enraged at Liz's selfishness, Maka forced herself to keep cool, as to not upset Kid. She was about to question Kid about the cuff until she heard a screech from the other sound of the line.

Kid recognized Liz's yell instantly.

Liz had screamed when she felt the hot breath on her neck of someone from behind her "You're all dead." The voice said. With a shriek, Liz turned around to see that whomever it was had disappeared already. Although her skin still crawled, the sense of danger disappeared and she had a feeling that whatever it was had already gave its message and had no need to stay. The boy seemed to have sensed the feeling of danger to be gone and crawled out, body still shaking. Liz held the boy and the dog licked his hand, in attempt to comfort him.

kid stared off determined. Whatever had happened was the main thing on his mind. Hanging up on maka he started to run, eventual leaving out of the park getting a few blocks away he sensed his weapon near by with two other soul wavelengths. Following the three, he quickly he upon them. And looked at the fear plastered on liz, the young child, and dog's faces. "what happened here??" ...

As for maka she looked at her phone and huffed "No fair kid, i was about to ask you my most important question yet!" her whiny tone was loud but not to bad. She was irritated walking frim the wall she had been leaning against in the kitchen she quickly plopped into a chair at the table. "I guess I'll have to wait for him then."

Small Trails. . .Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora