Why Doesn't She Like Me? | Febuwhump Day 21

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"I'll sell you before that happens," Hondo waved a hand dismissively through the air. "Besides, usually Kenobi is babysitting and Kenobi wouldn't-"

A sudden bang from the door cut Hondo off. As if cued to do so, Anakin burst into the room, anger burning in his eyes and signature as Hondo's men crashed to the ground. And after him, Obi-Wan raced in, allowing Anakin to make a beeline straight for Ahsoka.

And then she was falling from the containment field, right into Anakin's arms, and she could've cried from relief. Hondo, meters away did cry, but not from relief. Ahsoka shot him a nasty look before throwing a glass cup at his head. She felt too much like jello to attempt slugging him or kicking him, so it was the best she could do.

Hondo dodged it easily but Anakin shoved him to the ground with the Force. Then Anakin, wrapping an arm firmly around Ahsoka, pivoted and guided her to the door. Ahsoka could feel his anger still aflame, but Ob-Wan was giving him a look so he didn't touch Hondo.

"I don't get it," Hondo cried from the floor where he sat, defeated. "Why doesn't she like me?"


Ahsoka Tano had been captured and thrown into a dingy cell that smelled like mold and a bunch of other things she didn't want to think about. Things didn't change so much, Ahsoka thought miserably. Being Fulcrum didn't mean she was granted the luxury of not being captured every other day, the same as it had been when she was fighting in the Clone War as a teenager. With age did not come get-out-of-enemy-prison-free cards.

How annoying.

She was supposed to be a leader, at least more than she was during the Clone Wars. And yet here she was, humbled inside a cell yet again.

Ahsoka looked around the dark cell. The darkness loomed around her, making it difficult for even her razor-sharp Togruta vision to make out anything more than a few meters ahead of her. No openings to let in light, Ahsoka noted. She tried to crawl across the frigid floor but her shackles held her back, scraping and clattering deafeningly as she tried to yank them further.

"Hello?" a voice said after the sound died. "I can't see. Is anyone there."

That voice... it was familiar. She couldn't ever mistake that voice for anything else. "Hondo Ohnaka?"

"What?" Hondo's voice said in alarm. "Who are you? How did you know?"

"Long time no see," Ahsoka said.

"No, there isn't any see at all," Hondo said. "I can't see. Tell me who you are."

"Huh," Ahsoka hummed. "I would've thought you'd remember from all the times you tried to capture and sell me off to slavers."

Hondo scoffed. "I captured a lot of-" he gasped. "Skywalkers little Togruta pet?"

"Yep," Ahsoka said. "In the flesh."

"How have you been, my dear?" Hondo said. "We should've met up a long time ago and-"

"Oh, hush up, Hondo, will you?" Ahsoka groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're only after money."

"Aw, you would take our friendship for granted? Well I- uh, you aren't wrong. But that is not important!" Hondo corrected himself quickly. "Where are you? I can't see you."

"Can't tell you that. I can't really see anything, either," Ahsoka said. She kicked at her shackles a few times.

Suddenly, something smacked into her and she rolled, planting herself in as much of a defensive position as she could muster with shackles binding her wrists.

"Don't worry, it's just me," Hondo said. "Now give me your hands."

Ahsoka, resisting the urge to roll her eyes again, allowed Hondo to take her hands. That's when it registered that Hondo wasn't wearing shackles like she was.

But before Ahsoka could ask how he managed to get out of his, the heavy metal fell from her wrists and clattered to the ground.

"Well, that's taken care of," Hondo said, and Ahsoka could practically hear his chest swelling with pride. "Now I just haven't found a way out of this cell yet."

"I might be able to help with that one," Ahsoka told him. She stood up slowly, her knees cracking from being bent up so long. Since when was she this old? Nevermind. It'd be better not to think about that.

Thankfully, she was still as agile as ever. Ahsoka, with the help of the Force, leaped up to the ceiling and tapped around, trying to find where the air current came from. It took her several tries but she eventually found it, a ventilation shaft, and she ripped away the grate.

"Found it," Ahsoka called down to Hondo. "There's a vent up here that we can go through."

"How high is it?" Hondo said. "I don't have your Jedi powers."

Right. Ahsoka dropped from the vent and found her way to Hondo. He was taller than her still, but thinner than he used to be. She couldn't jump with him, but even if she could, she probably wouldn't.

"Just don't scream, okay?" Ahsoka said.

"Why would I-" Hondo yelped as Ahsoka used the Force to lift him from the floor and raise him into the vents.

"I said shush," Ahsoka hissed, and Hondo fell silent. She hopped up after him.

"I do not know where to go," Hondo said once they were both inside.

Ahsoka used the Force to navigate through the ventilation system. She found the exit fairly quickly and surprisingly ran into no complications or people who wanted to kill her on the way. Ahsoka even managed to snatch her lightsabers and commlink back without anyone noticing.

"Now that that's over," Hondo said, dusting himself off as Ahsoka attempted to comm someone, "I expect a payment-"

"Oh, shush," Ahsoka said, rolling her eyes. "No one's paying you."

"But I did free you and-"

"And your payment can be walking free. I got you out."

"But I-

"Alright, how about this?" Ahsoka said. "How about you pay me? I let you walk free when I could've run off on my own."

"But you couldn't have done that if I-"

"So then your payment can be the sweet bliss of death."

"You won't kill me. Jedi don't kill."

"Not a Jedi anymore."

Hondo tried to protest again, insisting on payment and Ahsoka heard enough. She used the Force to tangle him in the nearest vine-laced tree she could find and walked several miles in the direction she hoped was North, calling for a pickup.

The Ghost arrived half an hour later.


Word Count: 2266

Published: 16 May 2023

I just think it's so hilarious with Hondo being clueless as to why Ahsoka doesn't like him and then kidnapping her seven and a half times every other day. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have an idea!

Bye, peoples!

Ahsoka Tano One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें