⚝ Cheerleaders, Milkshakes, And Overdue Homework

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"How much homework and essays do you think it would take to kill someone?" Jungkook asked, frowning at his school-enforced novel. It was incredibly boring and literally nothing happened. 
"Two overdue six-page essays and eight sheets of math homework," replied Jimin. "But I'm not dead yet, so maybe not."
"Excuse me?" Tae was... quite surprised would be an understatement, actually, but we'll go with that, that Jimin had that much homework overdue. "Where did Mr Perfect Grade Park go?"
His friend had to think for a moment. "............cheerleading practice?"
"Fair enough."

After another hour of slogging through homework together, they all felt brain dead. Jimin was nearly falling asleep every five minutes and Tae had resorted to scrolling through social media, which he never did. 
Jungkook fell asleep half an hour ago.
Neither of them had bothered waking him up.
"Milkshakes?" Tae enquired, poking Jimin in the shoulder.
Jimin gave his cute eye-smile. "Yes. Should we wake up Kookie?"
"He would literally kill us if we didn't take him with us."

After the ordeal of waking up Jungkook- he was quite the heavy sleeper- they put on their shoes and head out into the night to the diner a few streets away. The pavement was wet with the day's rain, but the sky was clear, the stars invisible due to that darn light pollution.
Jungkook was holding onto Jimin's hand and blinking blearily. "Why'd you suddenly decide to go for milkshakes?"
Taehyung gave him a look and said, "Would you rather finish those two essays you have due on Monday?"
"NOOO, nonono," Jungkook answered quickly, "but I was asleep. We could've waited until tomorrow."
"Yeah, but night's more exciting," Jimin reasoned. "There's no one around and- possibilities!" he flung his free hand in the air and did a little skip on the last word.  
"Ah, forever the hopeless romantic, aren't you?" Taehyung laughed. He honestly loved Jimin's carefree, cute attitude sometimes.

"This is the most calories I've had in a long time," Jimin proclaimed. 
"You've been on one of those dumb cheerleader diets?" Tae questioned, a little harshly.
"Well, I do flips and literally get thrown into the air," Jimin replied. "I don't want to squash the people on the ground. So yeah, I've been on a 'dumb cheerleader diet'."
"What, like, celery sticks and kale smoothies?" Jungkook mimed gagging.
Jimin paused. "...no, like protein, water, fats- like avocado- and fruits, you know? Good things."
"Well" Tae got out his phone, checking a notification "don't starve yourself and remember to have cheat days."

(Okay, I know this is kinda irrelevant, but I personally had to know what kind of milkshakes they had, so here are their orders in case you wanted to know too: Jungkook = caramel with extra whipped cream; Taehyung = strawberry with whipped cream & marshmallows; Jimin = chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles {copying his milkshake in the picture})

Back at Tae's house, they were all lying in his bed (PLATONICALLY, THEY ARE FRIENDS; DON'T GO GETTING ANY IDEAS THEY ARE WEARING SUPER CUTE PYJAMAS), talking about random stuff.
"What's your biggest confession?" Jungkook pondered. No one said anything. "I'll go first- I've never kissed a girl before."
"I never will," Tae replied. "I'm gay."
Jimin sat up a little, looking over at Tae past Jungkook. {That sentence made literally no sense, here's an explanation: they're lying in bed, Jimin on the left, Kook in the middle, and Tae on the far right}. "Really?"
"Yeah." A pause. "Sorry if that makes you guys uncomfor-" Taehyung was cut off mid-sentence by both Jimin and Jungkook hugging him tightly.
"Why would it make us uncomfortable? Tae, you're our friend," Jungkook said, letting go. "The fact that you like guys instead of chicks is fine with us." Jimin nodded in agreement.
"What about you, Jiminie? It's your turn to confess," announced Taehyung.
"Oh." A moment's pause. "I- I don't really have anything to say."
"Come onnn, there must be something," Jungkook urged.
"Okay... I like guys. And girls. I think I'm bi."

A/N: Hellooooo! Hope this oneshot was alright..... I wanted to make the scene in the diner longer, and I hade some dialogue I didn't get a chance to place, so here it is I hope you find it funny tooo
TH: Well, the guys in the cheerleading team are hot. Jungkook, I'm gay, are the girls in the cheerleading team hot too?
JK: Fuck yeah. 

Anyway, have a nice day/night. Borahae!!

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