Recommendation #34

42 3 8

Vengeance: an Esmp Au by CalicoQuartzs









Yep, that's the entire description.

I guess you'll just have to read the book now.

After you read this ofc.

And you know that the book will be good because CalicoQuartzs' books are always good

(even though all their other books got deleted)



I'm in a war with two people over the same thing.

I can't tell if that's good or bad.

I honestly barely care about the spelling anymore.

✨It's about the principle✨



How's your day going?

I'm very tired today.

Maybe I'll feel better after I drink some caffeinated tea.

I dunno.


On Sunday, something weird happened to me.

So, I was just riding on a train, and we were stopping at a station.

But the doors didn't open.

Everyone was confused.

Then the doors opened.

Everyone just kept doing their things.

But then,

The doors did some weird thing where they opened and closed and opened again.

Then they stayed open.

And a person came running in.

And then a horde of people came running in.

And they were talking something about someone having a knife, and someone having a gun.

In another train car, on the same train.

We were all scared.

Apparently something happened and the person with the gun pushed the person with the knife out of the train?

Or something?

And then they were fighting?

IDK what happened

And we were told to evacuate the train.

Like, I know that I live in the US,

But I live somewhere where we have good laws about guns (and healthcare and stuff).

I read an article once that said that if all of the states had the same laws as mine, then the life expectancy for the US would go up by like 3 years.

What happened was not normal

sorry for the rant.





So, I have this ukulele teacher who always asks me if there are any songs that I want to play.

And even though I can think of some, I say I don't know for two reasons.

1) IDK if he will judge me for my music tastes

2) He usually after that asks if I'm sure, and then talks about how I could choose any Pop Song.

Like, I barely even listen to pop music!

Anyone relate to that?





I have a joke for you.

What's the worst kind of tea?

✨Anxie-tea✨ (Pronounced Anxiety)

Best joke ever 10/10 would recommend.


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