Recommendation #26

67 4 5

Evolution in Time by Aria_Guardian


Xisuma never thought that a single mistake in redstone would cause him to be thrown back in time to another server. Yet finding a familiar face on the said server wasn't something he expected to find on the server either. What is up with the theme of Evolutions and Secrets that they kept up with?

Wait, Why was Xisuma sent back in time in the first place?


I really liked this book. (I've gotta stop saying that about every book)

I was looking for books that I could recommend, and I saw this one and I was like 

"I think I've already done this one. Wait... no I haven't." 

So then I wrote it down on my list


Anyone ever have that moment where you're like having fun and stuff and like dancing to songs on your playlist, but those songs are song that are depressing like:

"Whoah, everything about you is so terrible - everything about me is just terrible."

"I wouldn't hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die."

"I get overwhelmed so easily, my anxiety creeps inside of me, makes it hard to breathe."

and stuff like that.


I recently started reading webcomics, so if anyone notices that I've been on Wattpad less, that's why. 


I'm going to go to a showing of Hamilton today. It's going to be fun. 

I like hamilton. 

It was my first obsession that went almost as deep as my MCYT faze is now.

 I never resorted to reading Hamilton fanfiction though.

My cousin is coming too.


As you might be able to tell, I am very exhausted today, but I still have to do school. 

I don't want to go to school. 

It's so boring and repetitive.

It's basically the same thing every day.

At least I have some good classes today.


Advertise your books here. Unless this isn't the latest chapter. Then do it on the latest chapter. :)


please vote I'm tired


 -_- ᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻ

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