Recommendation #36

40 6 7

SICARIUS//A Limited Life Scottyn (Scott/Martyn) AU


Sicarius (noun); 'assassin' in Latin


Assassin (noun); a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons


The king of Vaelorin is known to be extremely corrupt by most. He favours the Aquatic district he was raised in and leaves all the other districts to fall into chaos and poverty. He kills anyone who dares to object. He stays safe in his castle with the rest of the royal family and ignores all his problems.

The people of Vaelorin have had enough. Martyn, a renowned Merling assassin in the Underground District, finds this out when he is hired to take out the corrupt king.

Unfortunately upon leaving the murder scene of the king, Martyn runs into the king's oldest heir, the one next to take the throne. Prince Scott.


This book is really cool so far!

Tbh, at the end of limited life, when people started shipping scottyn, I was a bit skeptical. 

But It's grown on me.

I like their dynamic :D


So last week I had initiated the 50 followers celebration that me when I was at 20 followers decided I would do.

But now I'm at 49 D:

Whatever, I'll just do it anyway.

Drumroll please 
























I use any pronouns!!!

I don't really care what pronouns you call me.

I normally go by she/her because it's what everyone I know is used to, and it's easier to tell new people.

But I don't care what pronouns you call me.



So, I went camping last weekend.

It was fun!

And, as all Americans would probably know, we also had a three day weekend, for memorial day.

(I think it's a national holiday?)

But now I'm sad because I have to go to school today.




oh I know!

So, lot's of the time I just hold down shift instead of clicking the caps lock button.

This is because on my old computer, I didn't have a caps lock button, and I didn't know the shortcut for caps lock.

So I just held down shift.


Advertise your books (and any books) here. Unless this isn't the latest chapter. Then do it on the latest chapter :) 

(pls I need books to recommend)


-Rook :|

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