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Lisa's POV

I walk around the gallery, my footsteps echoing through the walls. Aside from the photographs on the wall, the place is pretty much bare. It's my first time to be here even if the exhibit would already be the day after tomorrow. I wanted to go sooner but my family needed reassurance that I won't have another episode of skull- wrenching kind of headaches before they let me leave the house. I was basically living at my parents' house right after I got discharged from the hospital. Weirdly enough, I agreed after years of not staying there. It's sort of my way of admitting that I did need them. My family's the only thing that I can genuinely lean on to after the whole memory lost. 

I stand in front of a huge canvas of the sunset at Han River. It's almost as tall as me and I was thankful I remember that I was the one who took the photo. 

I put my weight on my right foot as I stood still looking at it for a few minutes. I find myself thinking about Jennie. 


I thought everything's going to be fine, that three months of lost memory would not really make much difference. I thought the memory's going to come back to me smoothly. I thought it would be easy. I was wrong though. 

I get conflicting emotions every time I lay my eyes on her. She looks at me with so much emotions and when I stare back at her with a blank look I can almost see the fire in her douse out. I can't stand to see the disappointment on her face when I tell her I haven't remember anything about her aside from the one time we were at the hospital. That's why I find myself avoiding her because it breaks my heart seeing her like that. I rarely go out the house the past week and spent my days playing computer games. I was being a coward I know and it makes me hate myself why I didn't get to remember her because from the little amount of time I spent with her, I knew she is an amazing person. 

But I can't help but to doubt some of it. It's pretty fucking crazy how everybody around me telling me how much in love I am with her, how much I'm committed to her but I couldn't tell myself that. And it's driving me fucking nuts more than the headaches and sudden change of moods does. 

I hear footsteps approaching from the right and when I turn to look, it's Somi.

"What do you think Monkey? I did a pretty good job while you were recovering huh?" she said standing beside me looking at the image in front of us as well. "Yeah, this was a great shot."

"Thanks for taking over everything while I was gone. It wouldn't have pushed through if it wasn't for you," I say. 

She looks at me with a grin. "Spare me the sappiness Lis." 

I grinned back. "I thought you'd like it. I saw your street photography section. The graffiti photos were my favorite." 

"They're the most fun to shoot too," she nods. "There's one last part of the exhibit at the end of the hall you haven't seen yet." 

"Well, let's see it then. Is it yours?" 

She looks at me and bites her lip. "It's yours actually." 

I frown and thought what else could have been there. "Really? But I've seen all my plans, nothing's missing. 

"It's not part of your original plan. You added it one month before our open date." 

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