Cooling Off

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A little bit of Chaelisa interaction with Jenlisa angst. 


Lisa's POV

"I'm probably over thinking but it's like Jennie's hiding something from me. I try asking her what's wrong but she shakes out her thoughtful look and smiles at me, always, then tells me everything's fine. She's always on the phone with someone and it bothers me a bit." 

I sit back on my chair and stare at Rosie who sip on her coffee and dab her mouth with a napkin, patiently waiting for what she has to say. She called me earlier to have coffee with her and tell me she'll be hiring me for another wedding next Wednesday. I agreed because I won't be doing anything that day and I could use the paycheck. 

Now we're sitting on two shabby but comfortable chairs in a coffee shop where we usually meet. It's cold inside with the smell of coffee fumes hung in the cold air from the AC, in front of us are the tall cups of coffee we ordered and different kinds of bread I ordered because I hadn't have my lunch yet. 

I decided to tell Rosé about Jennie halfway through our coffee, how she turned aloof the past days. It's weird and I couldn't help but to worry. 

"If she doesn't want to say, let her." 

I frown and scratch my eyebrow. "But what if it has something to do with us? I haven't been around her much this past week since I had to go out of town with Somi for photo shoots. What if she's falling out of love with me?" It's true, I barely see her last week since both our work's demanding a lot from our times. I only get to call her that I got home before I pass out on my bed. 

Rosé's eyes bulge. "Love? What the fuck." 

I roll my eyes at her and pick on my muffin. "I do love her Rosie." 

"You're in pretty deep shit aren't you?" 

"Then what should I do?" I wait for her, and she took her time answering me as she slowly sips on her coffee again. 

"Have you got into a fight or something?" 

"No," I frowned. "We didn't have an argument or anything like that, that's why I'm confused." 

"You didn't do anything stupid?"

"Nothing, I swear." 

"You don't think she's cheating on you are you?" she asked thoughtfully after. 

"Jennie? Cheating? No fucking way," I grimaced. Rosé snorted at my reaction. "What?" 

"You said she's always on the phone with someone, you never thought it's possible?" 

"I did think about it," I admitted, "but the idea didn't stuck for long because I know Jennie, she's not like that." 

"You've known her for two months." 

"And she told me about herself more than she ever told anyone and I know she's not like that and she loves me," I said hotly. 

"Okay babes, I was only trying to help figure your girlfriend out," Rosé says, slowly puts her cup down. 

I let a sigh. "Yeah, I'm sorry," I apologized. 

"You're probably worrying over nothing Lis. It might be something about work." 

"You think?" I asked unsurely. 

"Honestly, I don't fucking know Lisa but if your girlfriend won't tell you, you do either of the two things: you put up or shut up."

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