Family Dinner

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Jennie's POV

And I've always lived like this 

Keeping a comfortable, 

And up until now 

I had sworn to myself 

That I'm content with loneliness 

Because none of it was ever worth the risk 

Well You, are, the only exception 

You are, the only exception 

You are, the only exception 

You are, the only exception 

"I'm nervous." 


"It's your parents Jennie." 

"You'll be fine, I promise." 

"But what if they don't like me?" 

"What's there not to like?" I glance at the passenger seat and saw Lisa smile bashfully and I fall in love with her a little harder. 

"But what if they don't like the fact that I'm a girl?" Lisa fidgets with her hand. I laugh because really, my parents are the most liberal people I've ever known. "Don't laugh!" Lisa complained.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly. "Look hon, you're worrying over nothing. Min-ah and Woo-bin don't really give a fuck if you're a girl or a boy. They practically danced on their seats when I told them you're coming over for dinner. So stop worrying your head alright?" She nodded but I could see she's still nervous. "I said don't worry." 

"Alright, alright, I won't," she relented and opens the radio of the car instead. She sings with the song until I pulled up on my parents' driveway. 

I held her hand once we got out the car. She's wearing a black dress and a pair of pointy shoes. I love her in it. 

"You're pretty," I told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek before ringing the bell. 

"You're ravishing," she said and I smirk at the word choice. 

Jane opened the door seconds later. "Good evening Jennie. Good evening miss Lisa," she greets us. 

"This is Jane,  Lis." 

"Uhm hi Jane, good evening," Lisa said with a smile. 

"Where's the 'rents?" I asked Jane once we're inside. 

"Your mom's in the kitchen, Woo-bin's upstairs in his office." 

I nodded and pull Lisa in the kitchen where Min-ah's cutting some fruits. 

"We're here mom." She looks up and beamed. 

"Oh goodness, hi! Sorry love I was busy chopping up some apples." 

She cleans her hand with a towel and went over to us, pulling Lisa into a hug, which startled Lisa for a second before she hugs Min-ah back. 

"Let Lisa breath mom." 

"Right, sorry dear." Min-ah releases her and looks at Lisa in an arm's length. "Lisa, you look gorgeous." 

Lisa smiles timidly. "Thank you Mrs. Kim." 

"Oh nonsense, call me Auntie love." 

"Thanks, Auntie."

She looks up at Lisa's hair, strokes it. "Your hair, I love it. What do you say I dye mine like this Jen?" she asked, glancing at me with a grin. 

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