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Lisa's POV

I slipped into consciousness slowly, the sunlight's streaming in my bedroom through the window. I rub sleep off my eyes lazily before opening them. I yawned silently, giving my muscles a good stretch. I didn't sleep well last night despite the liter of beer I consumed, probably more. I turned to the other side of the bed to the person responsible for it. Jennie Kim. You even make sleeping looks sexy. 

I prop myself on one elbow and studied her, want nothing else but to grab my camera so I could store this image, this memory forever.Her blonde hair tousled around, some spilling over her beautiful face. I trace her face with my eyes starting from her perfectly curved eyebrows, there's this cute mole under it, to her nose, then to her lips. I unconsciously lick my own at the sight of them. Fuck, those lips felt amazing. My eyes went further down and my eyes widen at the angry red mark on her neck. The one I sucked on. I know I have a matching mark on my neck as well. I suddenly flashback at what happened last night.

We were kissing, real proper kisses, while I was straddling her. Oh fucking hell. I was so worked up, my body burning, and all I wanted to do was take my shirt off and let Jennie have her wicked way on me. But I didn't want it to be a drunken shag. If it was any other girl, we might have ended up on the studio floor with our hands inside each other's knickers; fast and urgent, no emotions just the craving of our body dictating our actions.

But Jennie's not just any other girl. She's special, important, precious. I can't understand it, fuck we're only on a date once, but I'm falling hard for this girl, and fast. 

I made her stay the night because it was late and the hammering rain wouldn't stop. Jennie fell asleep beside me almost instantly. I was still cooling off from our make out session and having her at a very close proximity wasn't doing me any good. I debated on leaving her on the bed and take the couch like I originally planned but I knew she wouldn't like it in the morning. I climbed off the bed and nipped to the bathroom then, and took a very cold shower to doze off the fire building up in me like furnace.

I quietly slipped back after, the shower did cool me off but I was still wide awake. I stared at my yellow ceiling, the moonlight coming from the window the only thing illuminating the room. The rain had finally stopped when I felt Jennie shift beside me. Next thing I know she's got her arm wrapped around my waist and her breath against my neck. 

I froze, my heart started beating fast and my breathing hitched. Fuck, you're too fucking close. I carefully inched my head to the side to discover she's still asleep, snuggled against me. Carefully, I released my breath I didn't know I was holding, trying not to disturb her sleeping with the erratic beat of my heart. 

It felt very intimate even she's doing it in her sleep. I managed to relax my body and made myself comfortable in her embrace, enjoying her body heat and her softness. After the clock strikes three, I felt my eyes getting droopy, sleep finally overtaking me. I give in, rather reluctantly and closed my eyes. 

It's now half past eight, a little too early for my liking but I managed to drag myself out of bed and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare Jennie a nice breakfast.

While I popped in the breads in the toaster, I heard my phone's ringtone. I saw it over the couch in the living room and picked it up.'Somi Calling' flashed on the screen.

Oh shit. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Good morning  Monkey, plan for today's still on yeah?" come Somi's posh voice. 

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