May 14

394 6 0

A short chapter. 


Lisa's POV

It's like having the worst fucking hangover ever, the only difference is hangovers are always worth it because I get to drink fuck loads of alcohol and have great amount of fun the night before. But now I don't have any recollection of having the smallest hint fun or even the slight taste of alcohol in my mouth. To be honest, I don't have any recollection of anything that has happened. 

Ignoring the abominable headache that's going to rip my skull in half, I forced my eyes to open. I'm in a room, boring white walls surrounds me and I'm lying in a bed that's too soft for my liking. I glance down on myself, my arm's rigged on a machine, pumping chemicals in my vein. 

What the fuck happened? 

I try to get up but a sudden head rush got me staggering back to the bed. "Oh, you fucking twat," I blurt out as I clutched my hand on my head. 

A flurry of movements on the side of the room makes me aware I'm not alone. "LIsa? Lisa! She's awake," came the rushed whisper. 

"I'II call a nurse," a different voice replied. 

I look for the source of the voices. Someone opens the door and disappears behind it before I see who she is. A pair of footsteps rushes to my side. I look up to see Rosé. 

"Thank god you're awake. Gave us all a proper fright, you bitch." 

My head's still a mess and I let my mind catch up with my surrounding before I get to speak. "Rosie, why am I in a fucking hospital?" 

My voice is hoarse and it felt like someone's rubbing sand paper against my throat. I cough and the pain worsens, the motion rattling my head, sending staggering throbbing on my temples. "Oh for fuck sake," I groan. 

"Here, drink this." I look up and a glass of water is thrusts in front of me. I take it on my feeble hands and greedily drink the liquid until it's gone, somehow relieving the soar in my throat. I gave her back the empty glass and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and repeated my question. 

Rosie gave me a careful look as she sets the glass on the bedside table. "You mean you don't fucking know why you're here?" 

Sudden irritation goes through me. "I wouldn't ask if I fucking know now do I?"

She raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Geez Lis, calm down yeah? The doctor said it's possible you'll lose parts of your memory in the accident so it's normal you forget that stuff." 

"What accident?" I asked, my head starts to throb, surpassing the worst hang over of the century. 

"You hit your scooter on a telephone post and bumped your head on the pavement. I told you that toy won't do you any good. 

"What, where's my scooter? It still works?" 

Rosé gave me a bitter laugh. "Fucks sake Lisa, you get a fucking memory loss and you're worrying about your scooter?" 

I open my mouth to respond but the doors opening and a doctor coming in followed by a breathless Somi cut me off. I look at her with a questioning gaze but she only gave me a nervous smile. 

"Miss Manoban, four days unconscious, we were wondering when you will wake up," the doctor said, taking a small flashlight off his chest pocket and switching it open. 

"I was out for four days?" 

"Yes. Now fix your gaze on my finger." I stare at his finger held out at the side as he shone the flashlight to my eyes. He moves his finger and I follow along. "Right, pretty normal," he said switching it off and I had to blink to adjust my eyes to the sudden lost of the harsh light. "Your head hurts am I right?" 

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