Early Morning

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Put on Come Away With Me by Norah Jones while reading this chapter :)

Lisa's POV

I woke up when Jennie moved to her side, bringing the entire blanket with her, causing me to shiver when my naked self was exposed on the cold air in the room. I rubbed on my eyes and try to yank some of it back to my side but she's got a firm grip on it. 

"Jesus Jennie," I sigh and I lie back down on my back with a huff and reached for my discarded shirt on the floor to at least shield me from the cold. It's still too early; it's still dark outside. 

I try another pull on the blanket but it wouldn't budge. It can't be help; I have to wake her up. But I postponed it to study her for a while. Since she's lying on her back on me, I had to prop myself on one elbow to look properly at her. 

I think about what she said before I fell asleep last night, that it's impossible I could love her more than she loves me. I was taken aback when she said that, because it's a fucking fallacy to be honest. Words can't express how much I love this woman. Even I myself couldn't control my emotions around her and she's telling me I can't love her as much as she loves me? I wanted to argue with her but I was totally knackered so I let it slide. But I'm awake now and my brain started to think how I could show her just how much. 

I grinned when I thought of a way. I checked the time: 4:48 a.m. Perfect. 

I placed my hand on Jennie's shoulder, shaking her awake. "Jennie." She grunts and lies on her back. "Nini. Wake up," I say a little louder and she gingerly opens her eyes. 

"Why are you awake?" she groggily says, blinking rapidly to adjust her eyes in the dark. 

"You took the whole blanket away." 

"Shit, sorry. Here." She pulls the blanket and covers my body with it. Then she scoots closer to me. "Better?" 

"Yeah, thanks," I say. "But I woke you up for something else." 

In the dark, I saw her eyebrows knit together in confusion then they rise with amusement."Oh?" 

I snorted. "No, that wasn't actually on my mind." 

"Shame." She lies on her back. "It's definitely on somebody else's." I bit my lip, really tempted to give in. "So what is it that you woke me up for at " she looks at the bedside clock for the time "-Christ, four in the fucking morning that has nothing to do with sex?" 

"I can't tell you, but we have to go somewhere."

"Huh? What for?" 

"I said I can't tell you babe." 

"Are you fucking serious?" she says grumpily. 

She is adorable when she's grumpy. 


"Can't it wait?" 


"But I'd like to stay in this warm bed with you," she groans, burying her face on my shoulder, "preferably without your clothes off and having sex." Then she started kissing my neck. 

How I resisted that, I don't know, but I was able to. "Well, how about we go now and we'll do anything you want when we get back?" 

She stops her action and considers the offer. "Anything?" 


"How long will we be gone?" 

"Maybe an hour and a half, tops." 

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