All My Secrets Away

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A little bit of fluff

A little bit of angst.


Lisa's POV

I switched my scooter off and grabbed my things off the backseat which includes my camera, a tripod, and a bag of croissants I got from the coffee shop I stop by on my wayhome. 

Somi and I went to a photo excursion down by the marina at dawn. It's better taking pictures at dawn because the sunlight's not that harsh compared in the midday. Also bodies of water are more still in the morning. Of course this plan includes me getting up at 4am, leaving my girlfriend in bed, and driving 30 minutes to the marina and meet Somi. 

Yep, Jennie Kim is my girlfriend. She has been for three weeks, four days, and thirteen hours. Lucky little bastard, I am. 

Jennie asked me the night before if she wants her to come with us. I did but I know she's tired from work and I don't want to deprive her from few hours of sleep. So I told her she didn't have to and made her promise she'd still be in bed when I get home.

The awfulness of leaving Jennie in bed paid off though because I've taken some amazing shots that I could include in our exhibit. We stayed at the marina until 6am until after the sunrise before we collected our things and moved on. I dropped Somi off her flat and made the detour at Jennie's favorite coffee shop, which was thankfully already open at this ungodly hour, and bought her the croissants she just love so much. 

I unlocked the door to my flat and dropped the bag of croissants on the kitchen table and discarded my equipments on the couch. 

I'm totally knackered and all I want to do right now is go back to bed and curl up to Jennie's warmth. Opening the door quietly, I was welcomed by the still-sleeping form of my girlfriend, clothed with her office shirt and a pair of boy shorts she borrowed from me.God, what an unearthly beauty. An idea came up to me and I went back to the living room to grab my camera. 

I went back, positioned myself by the door frame and took a picture of her. The shutter sound made Jennie stir and she opened her eyes seconds later. 

"Lili?" she asked groggily and she saw me standing by door. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the view," I told her. 

She sat up and leaned her back on the bed frame, rubbing sleep off her eyes. Then she caught sight at what's in my hand. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" 


"Perv," she smirked. 

"I gotta admit babe, you look perfect in my bed." I said smugly. She rolled her eyes playfully at me and smiled. 

"Come back to bed," she said and patted the space beside her. I didn't waste my time and shrugged off my jacket as I join her. She pulled me into a kiss and hugged me when I was close enough. 

Jennie has this habit of hugging me where she squeezes so tightly until I couldn't breathe that I had to squeak before she releases some weight on the hug. She usually does it when we haven't seen each other in a while. I love it when she does that, it makes me feel loved and cared for.

Love. We're dating for barely a month but I think I'm in love with her. All the things she does fascinates me endlessly. How she would roll her eyes if she hears anything remotely ridiculous or how she chew on her lower lip when thinking hard or how she blows smoke gracefully when smoking a fag. Or how she drives me crazy with her kisses. 

"How'd it go?" she asked me as I settle beside her. 

"Great, got some good shots. I'm tired though," I mumbled against her neck. "I missed you." 

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