SFW Alphabet

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Suggested by AngryLil-bitch


A: (affection) - Golden is very affectionate and is willing to show you off to others. He loves to love you and make you feel loved and care for.

B: (bad habbits)- Golden has a really bad habit of not working so well with others. He prefers to be by himself and do things on his own so when it comes to being nice to others he definitely struggles

C: (Color) - Golden loves the color black. He finds it elegant and comforting. His entire room is black with gold accessories.

D: (deep secrect) - Golden is a fully Transitioned man. Nobody would ever believe it! Yet the scars on his chest tell a different story. A story of him finding who he truly is and finishing that journey.

E: (ending) - If you were to break up with golden his heart would definitely be shattered. But if you were to leave him, he would focus only on his work and not talk to anyone else, just like before. He'd let you keep everything he's given you and would only speak to you occasionally.

F: (Favorite Food) - Golden really likes nuggets. As mature and high power this man is....he likes nuggets....dino nuggets.....

G: (Group)- When in a group of people or any social gathering you can find him...nowhere cause he probably didnt show up. He's not a social man but if he has to be there, there's a good chance he's not talking to anyone.

H: (Hugs)- Golden comes off as a defensive hard to talk to person, but when it comes to you he's clingy and constantly wants to hold you. He cherish your hugs and will often ask if he could hug you or hold your hand.

I: (I love you)- When it comes to saying it. He rarely ever does. The only person he's said I love you to was his twin brother Freddy. And even then it's never often. However when he met you after a few weeks in of talking. he was already confessing how much he loves you.

J: (jealousy)- He's not the jealous type, but if someone starts to get a little to handsy with you he can't help but feel some sort of way. He's not going to make a big deal out of it but he'll definitely drop a hint or two that he's a little jealous.

K: (kisses)- Kissing you has got to be Goldens favorite thing to Do. Even if there's nothing sexual about it, he just likes the feeling of having your lips against his and embracing you for a moment or two.

L: (love language)- Goldens love language is quality time. Though he is the CEO of the company he will stop any and everything that he's doing just to spend time with you. His favorite thing to do with you is watch movies although he always ends up falling asleep

M: (Mornings)- Golden isn't a morning person whatsoever, but if and when he wakes up he'll offer to make you breakfast and then complain about being up so early and wanting to go back to bed.

N: (nights)- Night time is when Golden is more Active. He's typically doing work around this time or he's begging you to come cuddle with him so he can fall asleep.

O: (occupation)- Golden is the CEO of Fazbears entertainment. Him and his old business partner springtrap started the business but the "co owner" title was soon handed down to Goldens twin brother Freddy once he started working there, due to springtrap failing to uphold his part of the deal.

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