-code red-

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- you held your stomach in pain and let out a soft groan. This caught the attention of Golden "darling....are you feeling alright?" He asked concerned. "Yeah just- fuck!" You bite your bottom lip holding back tears. Golden sits next to you "are you sure? You seem to be in really bad pain...oh...is it um....that time of the month for you?" He asked you nodded your head and looked up at him as the cramp started to fade.

Golden held your hand "why didn't you tell me? I want to take care of you." You shrugged "it's just...embarrassing yknow." Golden sighed "Y/n darling....it's natural, it's nothing to be ashamed of." He kissed your forehead "come lay with me" he pulled You to him on the bed "If you need anything let me know ok" he said softly in a comforting tone.

You smiled softly and nodded, you held onto him feeling loved and cared for. That is till another cramp hit you like a wave and you dug your nails into Goldens Skin "ok! Y/n!- ow Ow OW-"

- you made the mistake of telling freddy that your period had started recently. And now he is babying you a bit more than usual. He made you take a pain killer and cuddle with him until it kicked in. You laid there whining as he rubbed your stomach, he looked down at you "what's wrong? Does it hurt more?" He asked overly concerned.

You shook your head no "im good babe you dont have to-" "no you need to be taken care of! I won't let you sit here in pain" he interrupted you. You sighed "fine....can I at least get a kiss?" You say looking up at him. He smiled and kissed you softly "better?" You nodded your head.
Freddy ran his fingers through your hair and kissed you again. You giggled "hey I only asked for one!" You teased, he rolled his eyes playfully.

You laughed more but quickly stopped "oh shit...." freddy looked over at you "what?" You quickly sat up trying to feel if you...overflowed...you let out a sigh of relief before laying back down "nothing false alarm" freddy looked over at you confused as hell. You looked at him "rub my stomach coward" you joked making him shake his head in playful annoyance and he continued rubbing your stomach.

- you felt yourself get sad outta nowhere, you sat there in Bonnie's arms sad and cramping not wanting to tell him about it. He noticed that you weren't in the playful mood you usually was. "Hey bunny, you feeling ok?" He asked concerned. You nodded although you were lying, "You sure? You look like your in pain." He asked. "I'm...on my period-" "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? " He panicked, you got scared thinking you disgusted him.

"YOU DIDNT TELL ME!?!" he started to panic more than you "are you ok? Do you need anything? Are you in alot of pain? What do I do?" You grabbed his hands making him look you in the eyes, his cute worried expression made you feel a bit better knowing he cared so much for you. "Bonnie, I'm good." You giggled "just....cramps hurt...alot" you sighed. He looked up at you calming down a bit "d-do you want me to do anything?" He asked nervously

"all I need is cuddles and snacks." You joked but Bonnie took seriously "Ok, I'll go to the kitchen and get you some food." He said getting up "n-no wait i was joking" you say "I wasn't." He replied before leaving and coming back with your favorite chips and drink. You smile grabbing the food from him and laying back on him as he held your hand and continued talking about his new favorite series.

- Foxy was kissing your neck and you kept pushing him away. He thought you were playing until you whined "not now, I don't feel good" he sat up immediately "why? What be wrong?" You pouted "nothing. Just....tired" foxy looked at you not believing a word "uggh fine. I'm on my period" you admitted in a shameful way. "Eww" he replied making you feel bad.

"im joking lass!" He pulled You to him kissing you softly "why didn't ye tell me? Id stop teasing ya if i knew ye be sailing down th' red river" he said sweetly you look at him smiling "so it's not gross?" You ask him. "No it be natural, only weak little lads be afraid of a little blood" he admitted proudly. You let out a soft laugh of relif, "ye need me t' do anything for ya lass?" He asked comforting,

you shook your head no "I took some pills earlier I should be fine.." you explained. "We'll I be wantin' cuddles and I won't be letting ye leave till I get it." You rolled your eyes playfully and pulled him to you holding him close. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you making you flinched "ay! Foxy don't do that!" You scolded. Foxy only chuckled softly "me little ketchup packet~" "Foxy,  what the fuck."

- Springtrap punched your arm playfully "ow! Dude that hurts" you whined. He rolled his eyes "why are you being such a baby today?" He groaned playfully "maybe it's cause im on my period." He smiled happily "Really!? Good! your not pregnant!" He said jokingly you rolled your eyes "you want kisses and tummy rubs?" He asked sweetly which made you question him "what? You? want to take care of, me?"

He nodded. "I know I'm Agressive with you but your still my heart...I need to take care of you and not be so rough from time to time" he said genuinely caring. You blushed seeing this side of him, you looked down at the ground feeling flustered a bit "so is that a yes?" He asks again.

You nodded softly and he pulled You to the couch in his room and held you close in his arms facing away from him. You smile softly as you felt him rub your stomach softly, you laid your head back in his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Thank you baby" you say sweetly, he smiled and kissed your lips "your welcome....dumbass~"

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