-Date Night-

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(( • Hey Hey Hey! This is just a friendly reminder that this fanfic is for fun and has no intention of making any type of sense nor is it based off of lore in the games/books. This is literally me Goofing around with literature. So please this is for entertainment purposes, and entertainment only. • ))


- After your shift you returned to the pizzeria. You walk into the kitchen and see a man with Dark skin and blue eyes, his hair was the same color of Golden's fur. He turned around "well hello there, darling~" his deep enchanting voice called. You studied this man's appearance hard,

You were quite uneased until realization finally hit you. His hair, those eyes, his voice....GOLDEN! your face lit up with amusement and shock. This made golden smile As a soft chuckle followed. "Surprised darling? It's my human form." He said with an simple grin.

"Golden! Your...your....human? How!?" You questioned "now darling don't go questioning the logic of fanfictions....you should know better.." you look up out of pure confusion "wha-" "never mind that dear just go with it." He says cutting you off.

You shrugged, you didn't really care how he did this. All you knew is that this man infront of you was Hella attractive. He reached his hand out to you, "Now come along dear, this cheesy pizza palace is no place for someone as lovely as you.~" you felt your heart beat faster as you take his hand. He brought your hand up to his face and kissed it sweetly, however once you blinked you and him were in a completely different location.

"What!? How the heck did we-" you started "once again darling don't question the logic~" he smiled softly as you tried to make sense of all of this. You look around and realize that your right outside of a restaurant, it looked like it used to be a coffee shop.

Golden held your hand as the two of you walked inside. He had already reserved a table for the both of you in the back by the window.

** time skip **

The night already seem to be coming to an end. You Two have both finished your food and was now just cracking jokes and talking about things that made life a little bit better.

You adored how he listened to you when you talked about things that interested you, his gaze never left your eyes. not even for a moment.

He paid and stood up "its pretty late. Let's get you home." He said sweetly. You stood up and took his hand as you guys walked out the restaurant.

After you told him the address He Teleported you guys back to your house, right outside your front door.

"I had quite the night with you Y/N....we should do this again. " You smiled looking back at him, and his expression said it all.

you leaned forward kissing him on the cheek. "Good night Golden...see you during my shift." You say with your face all warm.

"Good night Y/N....I'll look forward to seeing you again " his face was a bit red and he couldn't hold eye contact anymore.


- you walked into the pizzeria and saw Freddy sitting on stage waiting for you. He was some where lost in thought, until you took this chance in scaring him. "FREDDY!" you shout, making him jult up immediately "Ah! Oh Y/N! Hi!" He seemed really nervous. You giggle at his antics, "hey freddy." You say with a smile just happy to be near him.

"I-i didn't really expect you to show. I figured you had something better to do." He laughed nervously. "Well I had to make time for you" you reply making his face go red "o-oh" he smiled

"Well uh...I was wondering of you would um....would join me in the back party room." He looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact. "Of course!" You say surely. "Well in that case, may I hold your hand?" He says reaching out to you. You take his hand "you may" you reply a bit nervous.

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