Chapter Two: Changing The Heart Woven and Bound

Start from the beginning

Impulse seated himself in between Martin and Scar looking like he was going to collapse into the bowl of cereal he had gotten for himself. "Uhm... you ok man?" Martin asked, "that was... horrific what happened to Lizzie, I know she killed somebody, someone we knew and loved but..." "it didn't have to be that painful?" Martin finished and Impulse just nodded.

"Thee ultimate protector made thy choice to kill, ye don't have to dwell on thine masterminds choice of punishment." Ren comforted, "I guess so..." Impulse said although he didn't sound at all sure of what Ren was saying. "At least you're not heartless like those two over there" Cleo said gesturing to Pearl and Etho, "says the literal undead woman" Pearl insulted while Etho just shrugged, "I'm used to violence and death like this so I apologize if I come off as cold hearted."

"Hey Skizz, Jimmy can I talk to you two a bit after breakfast?" Scott asked from out of the blue, "of course!" Jimmy said while Skizz gave a thumbs up. "Aww, look at everyone getting along!" Scar smiled, suddenly monocuma appeared from out of nowhere, "why is he here!!??" Joel shouted, "who me? I'm here to tell all of you to go to the gymnasium immediately!" "And what if I say no?" Joel challenged, "then your fate will be worse then what Martin saved you from!"

"Joel don't argue with the stuffed bear" Scott said dryly, "it won't bode well for you in the future" monocuma disappeared after this and everyone got up individually to go see whatever monocuma had planned for them. As they all filtered back in the room Martin couldn't help but notice how tense Ren seemed to be.

Then again it made sense that he'd be like this considering he had watched his own sister die. "Now I didn't get to do this considering how eager Lizzie was to kill, buuuuuut I can do it now!" "Do what now?" Scott asked staring the bear down, "why give you your motive of course!"

A motive. How sick could this bear get. "I have set up traps all around the school on all floors that will kill anyone who sets them off!" "All floors?" Jimmy echoed, "why yes didn't you look on your monopad? I've given you all access to the second floor!"

"Wait I have a question?" Pearl said raising her hand, "go on" "if the school is trapped why has no one died yet?" "Simple! I had them deactivated, but now that you all know about them I'll activate them!" "How is this a motive though?" Etho questioned, "simple! I'll deactivate the traps as soon as someone dies!"

After that monocuma left leaving everyone speechless. "What do we do now?" Jimmy asked, "let me see if the doorway to the gym is trapped" Cleo said walking with confidence, Martin looked over at Scott and saw him freeze up as if he knew something Cleo didn't.

All of a sudden spiked poles shot out from where Cleo was with her ducking in the nick of time. "CLEO!!!" Bdubs shouted trying to run to her but Etho stopped him, "there could still be traps here, we must keep our guard up at all times." "Does this mean I'm stuck here?" Cleo asked, "oh poor little Cleo, if only she could escape without her skin peeling off." Pearl taunted.

"Oh I can't wait to see you end up just like Grian and Lizzie!" Cleo shouted making Impulse flinch. "Ye be best not to listen to thy devil's taunts" Ren said wisely, "at least I'm still alive" Pearl threw a knowing look at Cleo as she said this to which the undead glared at her.

"Let's go explore the rest of the school" Impulse suggested clearly trying to do damage control, "like what we've already explored the majority of it" Scott pointed out, "I was kind of talking about the second floor" "that's rather dangerous don't you think?" "What do you mean?" "There are traps everywhere and we don't even know what the second floor even looks like."

"Well we can't just stay here" Joel pointed out, "c'mon Scott, what's the worst that can happen" Jimmy said, Scott lowered his head effectively hiding his face, "fine..." the group cautiously made their way through the halls carefully watching their steps as they went.

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