233: Judge and Jury

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"It doesn't matter," she said stiffly.

"It looks good..." Pyrrha said awkwardly.

Cinder shot her a dirty look, then she said, "I'd really prefer if we don't all do the 'pretending to get along' act. We all know why I'm here and that I have to be and how you feel about it. Let's just get it over with. With any luck, I'll never have to see any of you again after this."

"Luck, huh?" Yang said. "I'm not sure you'd be better off. We may not get along, but we're not out for blood. Do you think everyone else will feel that way?"

"Yang!" Pyrrha said.

"I'm just saying, that's not much of an advantage," Yang said. "And I'm just barely letting go of my grudge over Beacon because the gods and Salem are gone now. That doesn't mean I like her."

"The feeling is mutual," Cinder sniffed.

"Frankly, you've never tried to," Pyrrha reminded both of them. "I know it's always going to be weird for us to be around each other. But accepting that, we don't have to be unkind. I wish all of you the best, and I hope you at least don't grudge us that also. There is no reason to have our claws out. We did something together that everyone thought was impossible."

"That's true," Ruby said. "I've said it before."

"It sounded stupid then," Cinder said.

"You know, Cinder--" Ruby pointed at her. "--I think I've figured you out. You're just being unpleasant because you're nervous, aren't you?"

Cinder looked surprised.

"I can't blame you. I can't imagine it's more awful for anyone than for you." Weiss shrugged indifferently.

"We did some terrible things to these people," Emerald said. "But we finally did something right. Can't we just... leave it at that? You know you won't make it better by being a jerk."

Cinder seemed to deflate. "I don't know how to act any other way but this," she said flatly. "You may find that hard to accept. But I'm not like you. Being evil is all I've ever been good at. I don't know if I'd call this being good now. If I even wanted that. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out. This party won't change that."

"You're not the only one trying to figure out what we are now," Blake pointed out. "Ex terrorist-cult-member over here. But I'm going to face it head on."

"Yeah, isn't your whole thing being tough?" Yang said. "So toughen up."

"It does seem the only thing to do," Pyrrha said. "And think, at least no one will approach you to put your face on a cereal box that you don't even like."

That ending was so ridiculous that even Emerald and Weiss had to start laughing at it.

Cinder almost looked like she'd crack a smile, but of course Pyrrha's kindness was always bittersweet at its best to her.

They moved out of the room, and only Emerald kept talking to her.

"You chose to stay here instead of leaving the world. Why? If you hate it so much."

Cinder frowned. "Evil or good, I don't know anything about other worlds or what they might need. It made sense for Salem. She at least understands human nature. I don't even know that. If I've been more grounded by this entire hellish experience, then I can't really think it's wise for me to go anywhere new. I don't know if anyone will ever forgive me, or if I'd ask them to."

"But you're sorry," Emerald said. "Aren't you?"

"I'm a sociopath," Cinder said. "Sorry? It's not a feeling for me so much as a realization. I realized that what I did was not justifiable. I realized that I had no real reason to keep doing it. And lastly, it was too much work to keep trying. I'm tired now, but I wouldn't say I've had a great revolution of character."

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