Chapter 25: Can We Be Normal

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I've been feeling like I'd been transported to another world, with werewolves and danger. It's a relief to see that my clinic exists here, too.

Seeing the clinic from the highway, riding in Christopher's truck, it was the first time it felt like coming home since I moved to Shady Woods. The bouncing of the tires over the long, dirt driveway were familiar and welcoming. The front of the building looks exactly the same as always.

Parking, Christopher digs my keyring out of his pocket and hands it over. "I brought a few of the pack over this morning to clean everything up."

"Oh. Thanks." Climbing out, I tell him, "I want to walk around back first."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure," I nod. "I want to see things back to normal instead of...instead of how I remember things being,"

I'm sure but I still follow a few steps behind Christopher as we head around the building. The field, however, stretching out down towards the trees does look normal. There is a still-smashed-down spot out in the grass but everything is clean and fresh looking. The sounds of insects, birds and the wind float through the air as usual.

"Are you alright?" Christopher's hand lands on my shoulder, pulling my attention away from the blowing grasses. Instead, his worried expression takes my attention

"It's fine. I'm going to go look inside." Stepping over to the back door, I unlock it and shove the wide door open. For a second, I stare at the large step up and remember the heavy weight of the tarp being dragged over the threshold a few days before.

Shaking it off, I step inside. Ignoring Christopher's presence following behind I turn to the surgical room. Everything is cleaned, although there is a neat lined up row of freshly cleaned tools still sitting on the steel table.

"It's not sterile or anything like that, we just got the mess cleaned."

"Thank you, it's a big help." I know it must have been a huge mess, especially after sitting for a couple of days.

Christopher turns me around toward him, ducking his face to look into mine. "Are you sure you're alright? You're, like, really calm."

"I don't really feel calm. I just don't know how to react."

Gently taking my hands, Chrstiopher runs his thumbs in soothing circles across my knuckles. "Are you sure you don't want to just come back to the pack house? You can pack a bag really quick and we can go." He suggests hopefully.

His lighthearted tone makes me smile a little, even if it feels a little hollow. "No! I need to get back to normal and want to reopen the clinic tomorrow. Besides, you have class." Shaking off his hands with a little more cheer than I feel, I put a little more energy into my step and quickly look through the rest of the clinic.

Locking up downstairs, Christopher and I then climb up to my apartment. Everything looks the same here, too. Papers and references book littering the room and a pile of bedding by the sofa.

"It feels good to be home. I do appreciate all the hospitality you and your fam- your pack showed me but I really want to take a shower in my own shower." I tug at the extremely loose borrowed shirt that I'm wearing. "And then put on my own clothes."

"No, I get it. But you are really cute in my shirt." The way he looks at me, teasing and something warm in his eyes, makes my cheeks flush a little.

"Okay, thanks, I guess. Don't you have to get going?"

"How about while you shower, I can," Christopher looks around for something to do. "Clean?"

"Hm, no."

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