五 : good or bad news...

450 25 33

¡!cursing/slang words, anxiety, sleeping disorder

If anyone is uncomfortable or doesn't like these, I deeply apologize for it.


3:24 am, Friday.

Sunghoon woke up not because something was wrong but because he didn't want to sleep anymore. He was feeling uncomfortable.

It's happening...

His insomnia started again. He woke up with sweat all over his body. He was feeling too hot. His body shook slightly. He was breathing heavily. He could hear his heartbeat.

He looked over to his left. He noticed the alarm clock, glowing scarlet. 3:26 am. It was midnight. He's been experiencing this since last Monday.

He sat up slowly, getting the comforter away from his body. He sat on the edge of the bed. He closed his eye trying to calm down.

The moonlight was the only thing lightning his room. It was beautiful.

Carefully, he stood up making his way to a mirror.

He stopped Infront of it.

He looked ahead.

He could see his reflection in it.

He slowly lifted his cotton shirt...

He could see...

How Skinny...he was...

He sighed deeply...

He then made his way towards the open balcony. The curtains were flowing because of the wind. He went in. He leaned on the steel railing. Resting his chin on it while looking at the full moon...

It was so peaceful and...sad?..

"I miss you ah-ma..." He mumbled...

Oh, how much he missed his grandmother...he stared at the full blueish moon...


After spending his time and sharing his emotions quietly with the moon, Sunghoon went inside and laid on his bed.His body was curled up with the blanket. He was in the middle of the bed.

Soon enough, the young male drifted off to sleep while thinking of memories of his grandmother and him...

He truly missed her...



After finishing all the house chores Sunghoon was lying on his bed taking a rest. Yesterday, he promised himself he'll do it later but ...the later turned into next day aka today. He also showered so the stink won't stick to his body. He wore the comfortable sanrio hoodie his dongsaeng gave him and a pair of white shorts.
Since, he liked to slide in his marbled floor apartment alot, he wore a pair of socks.

He was feeling bored so he got up and took his laptop from his desk, flopping on the bed afterwards.

He opened his laptop. The first thing came up to his mind was to check his email replies. But since he had literally no hopes of even getting a single job application accepted, he scrolled quickly.

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