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"Have you heard? She got another teacher fired"
"Really? That's like the 5th teacher that got fired for not handling her properly"
"Yeah I heard she was caught making out with the Captain of the Basketball team and ended up getting suspended and since it was on the first period, the teacher was immediately put to blame"
"How do you do it Winter? It seems like you just play around with the teacher like they're your mice"Giselle asks as they walk the hallways of the school, they can clearly hear the gossips but why do they care? It's not like it wasn't normal that the school was talking about Winter once again
"Come on, You really didn't think I'd fight against my mom?"Winter replies and Giselle laughs
"Principal as a mom... You're really playing with fire and yet you always win"Giselle said and Winter smiles at her
"Mom already can't handle me, what makes her think that some mere teachers can?"
"Hi, I'm here for the substitute program?"
"Oh? You must be Karina right? From the Yu's?"
"Yes ma'am"Karina replies and heads inside the office, she sits down facing the principal
"I know the program was a bit rushed... I just really needed someone as soon as possible"
"No worries ma'am, it's not like we don't have history of helping each other"Karina replies and the Principal chuckles
"You don't need to be formal and keep calling me ma'am"
"It just seemed fitting... What would the students think if I started calling out to you in the hallways, they'd be shocked to hear a teacher calling you Taeyeon unnie"Karina says and Taeyeon shakes her head
"Anyways... The reason for the substitute program is because... My daughter enrolled here a year ago... She's caused nothing but trouble"Taeyeon explains and Karina leans forward
"Which daughter?"Karina asked and Taeyeon looked at her
"Right... You haven't met my youngest yet, she's Winter Kim"Taeyeon replies and hands her daughter's report card to Karina who examines it
"She looks like she's smart, who gets an 99 on math on the first year?"Karina asked and Taeyeon sighs
"That's the thing... She is smart... She's just a troublemaker... I've always spoiled her and it led to her acting like this, the students and teachers always rush to me whenever they spot my daughter making out with someone random and the teachers always get blamed for not keeping an eye on her so I had to keep firing them"Taeyeon explained and Karina puts down the report card
"We don't deal with this kind of thing unnie, you know our family"Karina says and Taeyeon looks at her
"I already talked to your mom... She said you and your sisters will be substituted here for this... I just need her to act better... You don't need to stay for the whole 2 years... You just need to change her behaviour"Taeyeon says and Karina leans back on the chair
"Then if something happens to your child while I'm here... You won't blame me?"
"Why don't we just get a dismissal, it's not like we have a teacher anyways"Winter says and Giselle laughs
"We atleast need to attend classes otherwise we'd get suspended"Ryujin says from behind and Winter rolls her eyes
"I'd rather get suspended and stay at home"Winter replies and Ryujin shakes her head
"Settle down everyone"Taeyeon suddenly enters the classroom and everyone turns silent
"Hi mom"Winter greets and smiles cheekily at her mom who only gave her a stare
"Since your new teacher submitted his resignation letter I went ahead and got you a substitute teacher instead... Since you like getting the full time ones, fired"Taeyeon says, emphasizing her words to Winter who only grins at her
"This is Karina Yu, your new substitute teacher and she will be your homeroom teacher"Taeyeon introduces and Karina enters the classroom with a smile
"Pfft... That girl? She looks like she won't even put up a fight"Winter chuckles and Giselle shakes her head
"She looks younger than the other teachers though"Ryujin says and the two other girls turn to her with a look
"Girl you need to stop fucking younger teachers"Giselle says and Ryujin shrugs her shoulders
"Hi, I'm Karina Yu... Your substitute teacher, I used to teach in a disciplinary school but your principal reached out to me for a substitute program so here I am today"Karina says and Taeyeon looks at the students
"Disciplinary School? What did you do there? Slap wrists?"Giselle asked and some of the students laughed, some stayed quiet
"Actually no, punishments were mostly done by my sisters there... I wasn't allowed to punish anyone"Karina replies, the smile on her face never leaving
"Why? Too weak to even slap wrists?"Ryujin asked this time and Winter smirked
"I don't know if I'm that weak... But I was only there to teach manners"Karina replies calmly and somehow it irks Winter that she was taking these question lightly
"What are you gonna do here then? Teach us how to politely bow?"Winter asks, she eyes her mother who had stayed silent during this whole thing
"If you don't know how to do that then I probably would"Karina says and Taeyeon smiles this time, Winter rolls her eyes and crosses her arms
"Then I'll leave the class in your hands Miss Yu... I'm looking forward to your teaching methods"Taeyeon says and pats Karina's shoulder
"Thank you ma'am... I'll see to it that I do my job properly"Karina replies and Taeyeon walks out of the classroom
"Since I'm new I was thinking we should do a simple start... If you have questions for me then ask away, I'll gladly answer them"Karina says and pulls out the chair from her table
"Go on now, you seemed to have a lot of questions earlier"Karina adds and the students hesitate before raising their hands
"Yes?"Karina points to one student
"Have you heard rumors about our class?"The student asked, Winter smirks at the question... Because she knew she wasn't the only one who got their teachers in trouble
"What rumors?"Karina asked and the student looked at Winter who nods her head
"The rumors that we cause problems and gets our teachers fired"The student replied and Karina clasps her hands together
"Well I did hear from the principal already... Why?"Karina asked back
"Are you scared that you'll get fired too?"The student asked
"Why do I need to be scared? I'm only a substitute teacher... If I get fired I can always go back to the school I teach"Karina replies
"Then why don't you just go back quietly? Why did you have to take the offer?"Winter asks this time and Karina turns to her
"Because I wanted to see what this school had to offer... And why the principal specifically seeked me out"Karina replies
"Are you single?"Ryujin asks and some students got excited, screaming and whistling
"Yes why?"Karina asked back
"Would you date someone younger than you? How old are you anyway?"Ryujin asked and the students cheers only got louder
"That depends I think... And I'm only 25, just 5 years older than you guys"Karina replied
"What's your age limit?"Ryujin asks again
"5 years is the max"Karina replied and the students cheer as Ryujin stood up
"Then would you date me ma'am?"Ryujin asked and Karina smiles at her
"Only if you can prove yourself"Karina replies and the students get rowdy with her answer, Winter immediately nudges Ryujin who sits back down
"Seems like an easy target, should I get straight to bedding her?"Ryujin asked and Giselle grimaced
"She's pretty but goddamn Ryujin ever learned to stop being horny all the time?"Giselle replies and Winter shots her a look as Ryujin laughs
"So you too admits she's pretty?"Ryujin asked and Giselle rolls her eyes
"A pretty face like that deserves to be ruined don't you think?"Ryujin asked and Winter looks at her
"No you won't fuck her"Winter says and Ryujin frowns at her
"You know my mom gave you a warning for that... One last teacher and you're a goner"Winter adds and Ryujin leans back
"Atleast I'd go out with a bang"Ryujin says and Winter glares at her
"Fine fine whatever I won't do it... Then what's your plan?"Ryujin asked
"Just the same as always"Winter replies and the three look at Karina who was happily answering questions from the students
"Miss Yu! Winter is the Gym getting tongue fucked by a jock!"One of the students yelled, Karina who was on her way to the classroom looks at the student
"Hmm? Where?"Karina asked, the student immediately goes to her
"In the Central Gym ma'am"The student said and Karina nods her head, she makes her way to the Gym and she immediately spots the said student
"Winter Kim!"Karina calls out and the jock who was on top of the girl immediately pulled back
"Class is about to start, please finish your work on that boy and come to class otherwise I'll put you in as absent"Karina exclaims and goes on her way, heading back to the classroom
Winter stared at Karina as she left, dumbfounded she pushes the guy aside and runs after the teacher
"Great you came in, I'll put you in as late though"Karina says and writes on her notebook
"What the hell are you doing?"Winter asked, clearly irritated at the lack of reaction
"Taking roll call, now sit down Miss Kim"Karina says and smiles which immediately boils Winter's blood
"You're not gonna report me for what I did?"Winter asked and Karina tilted her head to the side
"Should I be reporting you? For what?"Karina asked innocently and Winter furrowed her eyebrows
"For making out with a guy in the gym! It's public indecency"Winter replies and Karina shrugs her shoulders
"Beats me, if you make out with someone then good on you for not wasting opportunity"Karina says and turns to the board which left Winter standing in front of the door, flabbergasted
"What in the fuck?"
"Sit down Miss Kim"Karina says as she writes her lesson on the board
"No fuck that, why aren't you doing anything?"Winter asked, her irritation clearly getting the best of her
"Why should I? I came here as a substitute teacher... I'm a teacher Miss Kim, not your baby sitter I have better things to do than tell you off, now sit down"Karina replies and doesn't even spare a glance at Winter
"What? That's bullshit"Winter says and Karina stops writing, her head turns towards Winter and she walks closer
"Oh are you finally gonna do something?"Winter asks, Karina doesn't reply and keeps on walking
She stops right in front of Winter and places her hand on the girl's cheek, Winter immediately froze as Karina leaned her face forward
"Stop blabbing and sit down Miss Kim, this is the fourth time I've told you this and also... Your lipstick is smudged"Karina says and wipes the side of Winter's lips with her thumb
"Now for today's lesson we're gonna be talking about Greek Mythology"Karina says and turns away from Winter who was still frozen in place
"Miss Uchinaga if don't you mind, can you make your friend sit down so I can discuss?"Karina says and Giselle looks at Winter who looked like she was lost in space, she sighs before standing up and pulling Winter to her seat
"Thank you, now going back to our topic"Karina says and she continues her lesson as if nothing had just happened
Winter finally snaps out and Ryujin shakes her head
"What happened to you? You just blanked out"Giselle asked and Winter looked at Karina
"That bitch..."Winter mumbles and Giselle rolls her eyes
"Well looks like your first plan failed, usually by this point we'd already get a new teacher"Ryujin said and Winter turns to give her smack
"Fuck you... If that plan doesn't get her then I'll make sure the next one will"

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