Regie: I think you can walk there on your own

Oliver- I don't have to use the bathroom, I want to talk to you

Regie: Ok fine

*In the bathroom*

Regie: What is it

Oliver- I want to say sorry, I didn't know you would get mad

Regie: It's fine but why did you stop calling me bae

Oliver- I don't know, I was just calling your name

Regie: Okay next time call me what you been calling me

Oliver- Okay, so you're not mad at me anymore?

Regie: I'm not

Oliver- Ok let's go to class now

Regie- Can I kiss you

Oliver- Uh..

Regie- Please

Oliver- Sure

*Regie pecks Oliver on the lips, then pulls away. After that they stare at each other for about 3 seconds before Regie pulls back in and tongue kisses Oli.*

Oliver- Bae that’s enough, we’re gonna be late to class. Also we’re at school and that’s nasty

Regie- Okay, but the bell rung like three minutes ago

Oli- Let's go to the office and get a pass

Regie- Ok

*They go to the office to get passes, then they go to class*

REGIE POV: I’m so horny right now. I need Oli, but we’re at school and he sits all the way across from me. I wanna just grab him, bring him home, and rip all his clothes off, and f*ck the sh*t outta him.

Teacher- We are going to start group a project. Get in groups of four.

Oli: *Stares at Regie*

Regie- Let's work together, go get Justin to work with us

Oli: Okay

*They get Justin, and the teacher puts the new kid with them since they didn't have enough people*

Teacher: You guys have 4 school days to do this project, you'll present next Thursday

Oliver- Hi,what's your name

New kid: My name is Damon

Justin- Hi Damon

Damon: Hi

Regie- *Whispers to Oliver*
Why are you flirting with him

Oliver: *Whispers back* I'm not

Regie- Then why did you say hi and ask his name

Oliver: I was just being nice

Regie- But you're supposed to be nice to me. Do you like him or something?

Oliver: I don't like him, and why are you acting controlling?

Justin- Why are you guys whispering. I got Damon's number so we can talk about this project, I made a groupchat

Oliver: That's cool

*After class ends and they go home*

Oliver- *Knocks on door*

Regie: *Opens door*

Oliver-  Can I talk to you in your room

Regie- Yeah

*In the room*

Regie: What's up

Oliver- Why do you keep getting mad at me

Regie: Because you keep doing stuff that makes mad

Oliver- I don't mean to

Regie: I know but I get jealous fast

Oliver- You don’t have to get jealous, I only like you, I don’t like anyone else

Regie: *Smiles*

Oliver- Let's cuddle

Regie: Okay

*They cuddle*


*in text*

Seb- Can I come over

Ryan: Why

Seb- Because I want to see you

Ryan: Okay

*At Ryan's house*

Ryan: Let's go upstairs

Seb- Ok

*In room*

Ryan- What do you want to do?

Seb: I'm not sure

Ryan- Let's watch a scary movie

Seb: Ok

*They start watching the movie*

Seb: *Keeps moving around*

Ryan- What's wrong with you, are you ok?

Seb: I'm fine let's just continue watching the movie

*Starts thunder storming*

Seb: You hear that?

Ryan- Yea it sounds like it's storming

Seb: Let's watch it

*The thunder gets louder and louder, and Ryan starts to get scared*

Seb: You ok babe?

Ryan- Yea im ok, but the loud thunder is kinda scaring me.

Seb: It's okay nothing will happen.

*The thunder gets even louder*


Seb: *Laughs* It's ok

Ryan- Can I hold onto you and squeeze you, please

Seb: Yea

Ryan- Okay

*Ryan holds onto Seb for the rest of the night and eventually falls asleep*

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now