2nd day of school

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REGIE POV: I wake up and get ready for school and it's the 2nd day of school. I didn't go on the first day of school because we wouldn't be getting any grade or doing any work, it would just be teachers talking about rules and stuff.

*At school*

Kane- wassup Regie

Regie- wassup cuh

Kane- why weren't you here yesterday

Regie- I wasn't here because the teachers wouldn't be doing anything or grading anything and they would just be talking

Kane- that's true, they was talking my ears off

Regie- you should of stayed home like me, but anyways how does it feel to be a Junior

Kane- it's feels good what about you

Regie- I don't know it's normal to be honest

Kane- yea but it ain't bad so I just said it's good

Regie- what class you got

Kane- I got Mrs Shellsock

Regie- I got her for 2nd period

Kane- let me see your schedule

Regie- here *gives him his schedule to read*

Kane- we got 4th and 5th period together

Regie- alright bet see you later I gotta go to class now

Kane- alright bye bro

*After 3nd period, at lunch*

Regie- Hey Oli

Oli- what *looks to his side* oh hi Regie

Regie- why do you look so lost

Oli- I just got here and I'm tired and I also wasn't here the first day of school

Regie- oh ok I wasn't here yesterday either but can I see your schedule

Oli- sure here

Regie- *grabs his schedule* We got 1st 3rd and 7th period together

Oli- oh ok well since you already been here for the 1st and 3rd period can you show me where the classes are

Regie- sure I got you after lunch

Oli- ok thanks

Regie- you welcome and I don't know where Kane is but he's probably coming

Oli- oh ok

*7 minutes later*

Kane- hey Oli, wassup Regie

Oli- hi Kane where were you at

Kane- I came in before you guys so I sat somewhere else then I spotted you guys and came over here

Oli- oh ok

Regie- I'm ready to go home

Oli- same and I just got here

Kane- You just got here?

Oli- yea and they told me go straight to the lunch room and I didn't even know where it was

Kane- oh that's funny

*After lunch*

Kane- Regie do you wanna walk to class together

Regie- If I come back fast enough because I have to show Oliver 1st and 3rd period because we got it together and he wasn't here

Kane- oh ok I'll just walk by myself

Regie- ok sorry

Kane- it's ok I'm not sad

Regie- ok well bye see you in class

Kane- ok see you in class

Regie- Do you need to get the papers we did in there

Oli- yea

Regie- ok come on follow me

Oli- I am

Regie- but you are walking slow

Oli- shut up I'm not walking slow

Regie- here just hold my hand

Oli- bro you're gonna drag me

Regie- it's not like I'm running

Oli- ok fine *grabs hand*

Regie- thank you

Oli- dude but now you are walking slow

Regie- sorry I was thinking *starts walking faster* this is the classroom

Oli-ok but I still might not remember so if I am at school with you can we just walk together

Regie- yea we can but let me show you where 3rd period is now

Oli- ok

*He shows him where 3rd period is then goes to 4th period with Kane*

Teacher- what's your name

Regie- my name is Regie

Teacher- ok you're late and next week after you get used to school if you are late you have to go back and get a pass but since it's the first week of school your tardy's won't count

Regie- ok thanks and sorry I had to help my friend find his classes

Teacher- ok it's ok and thanks for being a nice friend

Regie- no problem *sits next to Kane*

Teacher- Regie

Regie- yes

Teacher- we have assigned seats, you sit next to Akio, Akio raise your hand

Akio- *raises hand*

Regie- *sits next to Akio*

Akio- Hi what's your name

Regie- My name is Regie, what's yours

Akio- my name is Akio

Regie- oh cool name

*After School*

OLIVER POV: I got home from school and did the chores. When I got done with the chores I watched TikTok and scrolled on Instagram. Eventually I texted my friends and we decided to go to the zoo on Friday after basketball tryouts. After that I went downstairs to eat and when I finished I washed my plates and took a shower and got my school clothes and other stuff ready then just watched my phone until 11:15. At 11:15 I was starting to get tired and I had school the next day so I decided to go to sleep.

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